I have prepared this alternate index to the Sacred Texts edition of the Jatakas because the tables of contents provided there do not include the summary of each story. These links go directly to the Sacred Texts pages.
The TYPE listed is the arbitrary type number I have been using to group similar stories at this site.
No. 1. Apaṇṇaka-Jātaka = Type0001
001. Apaṇṇaka-Jātaka: Two merchants travel with caravans across a desert. One, beguiled by goblins, throws away his drinking-water in the desert and is devoured with all his people and cattle; the other completes his journey safely.
No. 2. Vaṇṇupatha-Jātaka = Type0002
002. Vaṇṇupatha-Jātaka: Travelling across a desert, a caravan through mistake throws away its water, etc In their despair the leader has a well dug, till far down water is found, and perseverance saves the caravan from death.
No. 3. Serivāṇija-Jātaka = Type0003
003. Serivāṇija-Jātaka: Two hawkers are successively offered by its unwitting owners a golden bowl. The greedy hawker over-reaches himself, whilst the honest one is richly rewarded.
No. 4. Cullaka-Seṭṭhi-Jātaka = Type0004
004. Cullaka-Seṭṭhi-Jātaka: A young man picks up a dead mouse which he sells, and works up this capital till he becomes rich.
No. 5. Taṇḍulanāli-Jātaka = Type0010
005. Taṇḍulanāli-Jātaka: An incompetent valuer declares 500 horses worth a measure of rice, which measure. of rice in turn he is led to declare worth all Benares.
No. 6. Devadhamma-Jātaka = Type0012
006. Devadhamma-Jātaka: Two princes going down to a haunted pool are seized by an ogre; the third, by correctly defining 'godlike,' saves his brothers.
No. 7. Kaṭṭhahāri-Jātaka = Type0013
007. Kaṭṭhahāri-Jātaka: A king refuses to recognize his son by a chance amour; the mother throws the child into the air, praying that, if he be not the king's son, he may be killed by his fall. The child rests in mid-air, and the king recognizes him as his son.
No. 8. Gāmani-Jātaka
008. Gāmani-Jātaka: Jataka 009
No. 9. Makhādeva-Jātaka = Type0037
009. Makhādeva-Jātaka: A king, finding a grey hair in his head, renounces his throne to prepare as a hermit for death.
No. 10. Sukhavihāri-Jātaka
010. Sukhavihāri-Jātaka: A king who becomes a Brother proclaims the happiness he has found.
No. 11. Lakkhaṇa-Jātaka = Type0086
011. Lakkhaṇa-Jātaka: Two stags; one through stupidity loses all his following, whilst the other brings his herd home in safety.
No. 12. Nigrodhamiga-Jātaka = Type0015
012. Nigrodhamiga-Jātaka: Deer in a royal park, to avoid being hunted, decide that lots shall be cast to select a daily victim. The lot having fallen on a doe big with young, the king of the deer offers himself as a substitute at the block and saves not only his own life but also the lives of all living creatures.
No. 13. Kaṇḍina-Jātaka = Type0121
013. Kaṇḍina-Jātaka: A mountain-stag, enamoured of a doe, is by her allowed to fall prey to a hunter; the doe escapes.
No. 14. Vātamiga-Jātaka = Type0096
014. Vātamiga-Jātaka: By a bait of honeyed grass a wild antelope is lured by slow degrees into a palace.
No. 15. Kharādiya-Jātaka = Type0122
015. Kharādiya-Jātaka: A deer which would not come to be taught the ruses of deer, is caught in a trap.
No. 16. Tipallattha-Miga-Jātaka = Type0123
016. Tipallattha-Miga-Jātaka: A deer which had learnt the ruses of deer, being caught in a snare, effects its escape.
No. 17. Māluta-Jātaka
017. Māluta-Jātaka: A tiger and a lion dispute whether it is the dark or the light half of the month which is cold.
No. 18. Matakabhatta-Jātaka = The Goat and the Brahmin
018. Matakabhatta-Jātaka: A goat, which was to be sacrificed by a brahmin, shows signs of great joy and of great sorrow. It explains the reason for each emotion.
No. 19. Āyācitabhatta-Jātaka
019. Āyācitabhatta-Jātaka: Offering sacrifice to get release from a vow, is not true 'Release.'
No. 20. Naḷapāna-Jātaka = Type0020
020. Naḷapāna-Jātaka: Thirsty monkeys came to a pool haunted by an ogre. Their leader miraculously blows the knots out of canes and with these the monkeys safely slake their thirst.
No. 21. Kuruṅga-Jātaka = Type0124
021. Kuruŋga-Jātaka: A hunter up a tree throws down fruits to lure a deer within aim. The deer detects the artifice and escapes.
No. 22. Kukkura-Jātaka = Type0036
022. Kukkura-Jātaka: Carriage-straps having been gnawed by palace dogs, a king orders all other dogs to be killed. The leader of a pack of dogs reveals the truth by causing an emetic to be applied to the royal dogs of the palace.
No. 23. Bhojājānīya-Jātaka = Type0093
023. Bhojājānīya-Jātaka: A charger falls wounded when his rider has captured six out of seven kings. Seeing that a hack is being saddled in his place, the charger asks to be saddled again, makes a last effort and dies in the hour of victory.
No. 24. Ājañña-Jātaka
024. Ājañña-Jātaka: A story similar to the above about two chariot horses, one of whom is wounded and is about to be replaced by a sorry beast.
No. 25. Tittha-Jātaka
025. Tittha-Jātaka: A royal charger refuses to take his bath because a hack had bathed at the spot.
No. 26. Mahilāmukha-Jātaka = Type0014
026. 185 Mahilāmukha-Jātaka: An elephant listening to robbers' talk, kills his mahout; by listening to virtuous converse he becomes good again.
No. 27. Abhiṇha-Jātaka = Type0087
027. Abhiṇha-Jātaka: An elephant, missing his playmate, the dog, refuses to eat until the dog is restored to him.
No. 28. Nandivisāla-Jātaka = Type0008
028. Nandivisāla-Jātaka: How by incivil words to his bull a brahmin lost a bet, which by civility to the animal he afterwards won.
No. 29. Kaṇha-Jātaka = Type0066
029. Kaṇha-Jātaka: How a bull drew 500 carts in order to earn money for his poor mistress.
No. 30. Muṇika-Jātaka = Type0065
030. Muṇika-Jātaka: A hard-worked ox is discontented with his own hard fare, when he sees a lazy pig being fattened up. Another ox explains that the pig is being fattened to be eaten; and the discontented ox accepts his position.
No. 31. Kulāvaka-Jātaka = Type0095 (just first part)
031. Kulāvaka-Jātaka: Through the practice of goodness tending to the diminution of crime in his village, a man is falsely accused by the headman and sentenced to be trampled to death by elephants. The elephants refuse to harm him. Being released, he builds a caravansery, in which good work (against his wish) three out of four of his wives take part: At death he is reborn as Sakka. His three good wives are reborn in heaven. He seeks out the fourth and exhorts her to goodness. As a crane she refuses to eat a fish which shewed signs of life; reborn a woman, she is eventually born a Titan and espoused by Sakka.
No. 32. Nacca-Jātaka = Type0125
032. Nacca-Jātaka: The animals choose kings. The daughter of the king of the birds the Golden Mallard chooses the peacock for her husband. In dancing for joy the peacock exposes himself and is rejected.
No. 33. Sammodamāna-Jātaka = Type0009
033. Sammodamāna-Jātaka: Quails caught in a net, rise up in a body with the net and escape several times. After a time they quarrel and are caught.
No. 34. Maccha-Jātaka
034. Maccha-Jātaka: An uxorious fish being caught, fears his wife may misconstrue his absence. A brahmin sets him free.
No. 35. Vaṭṭaka-Jātaka = Type0126
035. Vaṭṭaka-Jātaka: A baby-quail is about to be engulfed in a jungle-fire, when by an 'Act of Truth' he quenches the flames round him.
No. 36. Sakuṇa-Jātaka
036. Sakuṇa-Jātaka: A tree in which birds dwell is grinding its boughs together and beginning to smoke. The wise birds fly away; the foolish ones are burnt.
No. 37. Tittira-Jātaka
037. Tittira-Jātaka: A partridge, a monkey and an elephant living together, decide to obey the senior. To prove seniority each gives his earliest recollection.
No. 38. Baka-Jātaka = Type0067
038. Baka-Jātaka: A crane by pretending that he was taking them to a big lake, devours all the fish of a pond. A wise crab nips the bird's head off.
No. 39. Nanda-Jātaka
039. Nanda-Jātaka: How a slave was made to tell where his master's father had buried his hoard.
No. 40. Khadiraṅgāra-Jātaka
040. Khadiraŋgāra-Jātaka: In order to stop a Treasurer from giving alms to a Pacceka Buddha, Māra interposes a yawning gulf of fire. Undaunted, the Treasurer steps forward, to be borne up by a lotus from which he tenders his alms to Māra's discomfiture.
No. 41. Losaka-Jātaka
041. Losaka-Jātaka: How a Brother through jealous greed was condemned to rebirths entailing misery and hunger. Finally, when reborn a man, he is deserted by his parents and brings suffering on those around him. On board ship, he has to be cast overboard; on a raft he comes to successive island palaces of goddesses, and eventually to an ogre-island where he seizes the leg of an ogress in form of a goat. She kicks him over the sea to Benares, and he falls among the king's goats. Hoping to get back to the goddesses, he seizes a goat by the leg, only to be seized as a thief and to be condemned to death.
No. 42. Kapota-Jātaka
042. Kapota-Jātaka: A pigeon lives in a kitchen. A greedy crow makes friends with him, and, being also housed in the kitchen, plans an attack on the victuals. The crow is tortured to death, and the pigeon flies away.
No. 43. Veḷuka-Jātaka = Type0127
043. Veḷuka-Jātaka: A man rears a viper, which in the end kills its benefactor.
No. 44. Makasa-Jātaka = Type0128
044. Makasa-Jātaka: A mosquito settles on a man's head. To kill it, his foolish son strikes the man's head with an axe with fatal effect.
No. 45. Rohiṇī-Jātaka
045. Rohiṇī-Jātaka: Like the last; a pestle takes the place of the axe.
No. 46. Ārāmadūsaka-Jātaka = Type0073
046. Ārāmadūsaka-Jātaka: Monkeys employed to water a pleasaunce pull up the trees in order to judge by the size of the roots how much water to give. The trees die.
No. 47. Vāruṇi-Jātaka
047. Vāruṇi-Jātaka: Seeing customers whet their thirst with salt, a young potman mixes salt in the spirits for sale.
No. 48. Vedabbha-Jātaka
048. Vedabbha-Jātaka: Captured by robbers, a brahmin makes treasure rain from the sky; a second band kills him because he cannot repeat the miracle. Mutual slaughter leaves only two robbers with the treasure. One poisons the other's food and is himself slain by his fellow.
No. 49. Nakkhatta-Jātaka
049. Nakkhatta-Jātaka: A chaplain thwarts a marriage on the ground that the day fixed is unlucky. The bride is given to another.
No. 50. Dummedha-Jātaka
050. Dummedha-Jātaka: To put a stop to sacrifices of living creatures, a king vows to offer a holocaust of such as take life, etc Sacrifices cease.
No. 51. Mahāsīlava-Jātaka
051. Mahāsīlava-Jātaka: A good king meets evil with good. Refusing to sanction war, he is captured and buried alive in a charnel-grove. How he escapes the jackals, acts as umpire for ogres, and regains his sovereignty.
No. 52. Cūḷa-Janaka-Jātaka
052. Cūḷa-Janaka-Jātaka: Jataka 053
No. 53. Puṇṇapāti-Jātaka
053. Puṇṇapāti-Jātaka: Rascals drug spirits for purposes of robbery. Their intended victim discovers the plot because they do not drink the liquor themselves.
No. 54. Phala-Jātaka = Type0102
054. Phala-Jātaka: How in defiance of warnings greedy fellows ate a poisonous fruit. How their leader knew it must be poisonous though it looked exactly like a mango.
No. 55. Pañcāvudha-Jātaka
055. Pañcāvudha-Jātaka: How Prince Five-weapons fought the ogre Hairy-grip, and, though defeated, subdued the ogre by fearlessness.
No. 56. Kañcanakkhandha-Jātaka
056. Kañcanakkhandha-Jātaka: A farmer finds a heavy nugget of gold. By cutting it up into four pieces, he is able to carry it away.
No. 57. Vānarinda-Jātaka = Type0130
057. Vānarinda-Jātaka: How the crocodile lay on a rock to catch the monkey, and how the latter outwitted the crocodile.
No. 58. Tayodhamma-Jātaka = Type0131
058. Tayodhamma-Jātaka: A monkey gelds all his male offspring. One escapes; the father, seeking to kill him, sends his son to an ogre-haunted pool. By cleverness the son escapes death.
No. 59. Bherivāda-Jātaka
059. Bherivāda-Jātaka: A drummer by too much drumming is plundered by robbers in a forest.
No. 60. Saṁkhadhamana-Jātaka
060. Saṃkhadhamana-Jātaka: A similar story about a conch blower.
No. 61. Asātamanta-Jātaka
061. Asātamanta-Jātaka: The wickedness of women shewn by the endeavour of a hag to kill her good son in order to facilitate an intrigue with a youth.
No. 62. Aṇḍabhūta-Jātaka
062. Aṇḍabhūta-Jātaka: Another story of the innate wickedness of women. A girl is bred up from infancy among women only, without ever seeing any man but her husband. The story of her intrigue with a lover and of her deceits toward her husband.
No. 63. Takka-Jātaka
063. Takka-Jātaka: A wicked princess seduces a hermit who devotes himself to her. Being carried off by a robber chief, she lures the hermit to her new home in order that he may be killed. His goodness saves him and her ingratitude destroys her.
No. 64. Durājāna-Jātaka
064. Durājāna-Jātaka: Wives a bar to the higher life.
No. 65. Anabhirati-Jātaka
065. Anabhirati-Jātaka: Women common to all.
No. 66. Mudulakkhaṇa-Jātaka
066. Mudulakkhaṇa-Jātaka: How a hermit fell in love and was cured.
No. 67. Ucchaṅga-Jātaka
067. Ucchaŋga-Jātaka: A woman's husband, son and brother are condemned to death. Being offered a choice which she will save, she chooses her brother and gives the reason.
No. 68. Sāketa-Jātaka
068. Sāketa-Jātaka: Why a Brahmin and his wife claimed the Buddha as their son.
No. 69. Visavanta-Jātaka
069. Visavanta-Jātaka: A viper bites a man and refuses under threat of death to suck out the poison.
No. 70. Kuddāla-Jātaka
070. Kuddāla-Jātaka: Private property a bar to the higher life. Conquest over self the highest conquest. Sakka builds a monastery for a sage and a converted people.
No. 71. Varaṇa-Jātaka
071. Varaṇa-Jātaka: How a lazy fellow, who picked green boughs for firewood, hurt himself and inconvenienced others.
No. 72. Sīlavanāga-Jātaka
072. Sīlavanāga-Jātaka: The story of the good elephant and the ungrateful man.
No. 73. Saccaṁkira-Jātaka = Type0085
073. Saccaṃkira-Jātaka: The ingratitude of a prince, and the gratitude of. a snake, a rat and a parrot.
No. 74. Rukkhadhamma-Jātaka = Type0133
074. Rukkhadhamma-Jātaka: Union is strength, among trees as among men.
No. 75. Maccha-Jātaka = Type0134
075. Maccha-Jātaka: How the good fish ended a drought and saved his kinsfolk.
No. 76. Asaṁkiya-Jātaka = Type0135
076. Asaṃkiya-Jātaka: A caravan is saved by a wakeful hermit from being looted.
No. 77. Mahāsupina-Jātaka
077. Mahāsupina-Jātaka: Sixteen wonderful dreams and their interpretation.
No. 78. Illīsa-Jātaka
078. Illīsa-Jātaka: How a miser was cured by his father reappearing on earth and distributing the son's wealth in the exact semblance of the son.
No. 79. Kharassara-Jātaka
079. Kharassara-Jātaka: A village headman privily incites robbers to carry off the taxes collected for the king.
No. 80. Bhīmasena-Jātaka = Type0080
080. Bhīmasena-Jātaka: A valiant dwarf and a cowardly giant. The dwarf does the work, and the giant gets the credit. The giant's growing pride is brought low in the face of danger; the dwarf is honoured.
No. 81. Surāpāna-Jātaka
081. Surāpāna-Jātaka: The effects of strong drink on hermits.
No. 82. Mittavinda-Jātaka
082. Mittavinda-Jātaka: See No. 41.
No. 83. Kālakaṇṇi-Jātaka
083. Kālakaṇṇi-Jātaka: Not the name but the heart within makes the man.
No. 84. Atthassadvāra-Jātaka
084. Atthassadvāra-Jātaka: The paths to spiritual welfare.
No. 85. Kimpakka-Jātaka
085. Kimpakka-Jātaka: Like No. 54.
No. 86. Sīlavīmaṁsana-Jātaka
086. Sīlavīmaṃsana-Jātaka: The brahmin who stole in order to see whether he was esteemed for goodness or otherwise. The good cobra.
No. 87. Maṁgala-Jātaka
087. Maṃgala-Jātaka: The folly of superstitious belief in omens and the like.
No. 88. Sārambha-Jātaka
088. Sārambha-Jātaka: Jataka 089
No. 89. Kuhaka-Jātaka = Type0136
089. Kuhaka-Jātaka: The hypocritical hermit who stole the gold, but punctiliously returned a straw which was not his.
No. 90. Akataññu-Jātaka
090. Akataññu-Jātaka: A merchant is befriended by a merchant in another country, but refuses to return the service. The revenge taken by the good merchant's servants.
No. 91. Litta-Jātaka = Type0137
091. Litta-Jātaka: A sharper swallows dice which had been poisoned in order to teach him a lesson.
No. 92. Mahāsāra-Jātaka = Type0069
092. Mahāsāra-Jātaka: A queen's jewels are stolen by monkeys. Certain innocent persons confess to the theft. How the monkeys are proved to be the real culprits, and how the jewels are recovered.
No. 93. Vissāsabhojana-Jātaka = Type0138
093. Vissāsabhojana-Jātaka: A lion's fatal passion for a doe.
No. 94. Lomahaṁsa-Jātaka
094. Lomahaṃsa-Jātaka: The futility of ascetic self-mortification.
No. 95. Mahāsudassana-Jātaka
095. Mahāsudassana-Jātaka: How King Sudassana died.
No. 96. Telapatta-Jātaka
096. Telapatta-Jātaka: A prince wins a kingdom by resisting the fascinations of lovely ogresses. A king who yields, is eaten, with all his household.
No. 97. Nāmasiddhi-Jātaka = Type0139
097. Nāmasiddhi-Jātaka: Discontented with his name, a youth travels till he learns that the name does not make the man.
No. 98. Kūṭavāṇija-Jātaka
098. Kūṭavāṇija-Jātaka: A rogue is hidden in a hollow tree, to feign to be the Tree-sprite who is to act as umpire in a dispute. A fire lighted at the bottom of the tree exposes the cheat.
No. 99. Parosahassa-Jātaka
099. Parosahassa-Jātaka: A brahmin dies and states his spiritual attainments in a formula which only one of his pupils understands.
No. 100. Asātarūpa-Jātaka
100. Asātarūpa-Jātaka: A beleaguered city is captured by cutting off supplies of water and firewood.
No. 101. Parosata-Jātaka
101. Parosata-Jātaka: Jataka 102
No. 102. Paṇṇika-Jātaka
102. Paṇṇika-Jātaka: To test his daughter's virtue, a man makes love to her.
No. 103. Veri-Jātaka
103. Veri-Jātaka: A merchant rejoices that he has outstripped robbers and reached his home in safety.
No. 104. Mittavinda-Jātaka
104. Mittavinda-Jātaka: An additional fragment of No. 41.
No. 105. Dubbalakaṭṭha-Jātaka
105. Dubbalakaṭṭha-Jātaka: An elephant, having escaped from the trainer's goad, lives in constant dread.
No. 106. Udañcani-Jātaka
106. Udañcani-Jātaka: A young hermit, seduced by a girl, is disenchanted by the number of errands she makes him run.
No. 107. Sālittaka-Jātaka
107. Sālittaka-Jātaka: A skilful marksman reduces a talkative brahmin to silence by flicking pellets of goat's dung down the latter's throat.
No. 108. Bāhiya-Jātaka
108. Bāhiya-Jātaka: Occasional decency a passport to greatness.
No. 109. Kuṇḍakapūva-Jātaka
109. Kuṇḍakapūva-Jātaka: A Tree-sprite, whose worshipper feared his gift was too mean, asks for the gift and rewards the poor man by revealing the site of a buried hoard of money.
No. 110. Sabbasaṁhāraka-Pañha
110. Sabbasaṃhāraka-Pañha: 12. Haṃsivagga
No. 111. Gadrabha-Pañha
111. Gadrabha-Pañha: Jataka 112
No. 112. Amarādevī-Pañha
112. Amarādevī-Pañha: Jataka 113
No. 113. Sigāla-Jātaka
113. Sigāla-Jātaka: Being belated in a city, a jackal, by a lying promise to reveal buried treasure, induces a brahmin to carry him safely out of the city. The greedy brahmin reaps only indignities from the ungrateful beast.
No. 114. Mitacinti-Jātaka = Type0070
114. Mitacinti-Jātaka: Of three fishes, two through folly are caught in a net; the third and wiser fish rescues them.
No. 115. Anusāsika-Jātaka
115. Anusāsika-Jātaka: A greedy bird, after cunningly warning other birds against the dangers of the high road on which she found food, is herself crushed to death by a carriage on that road.
No. 116. Dubbaca-Jātaka
116. Dubbaca-Jātaka: Being in liquor, an acrobat undertakes to jump more javelins than he can manage, and is killed.
No. 117. Tittira-Jātaka
117. Tittira-Jātaka: A busybody is killed for his chatter by a jaundiced man; and the piping of a partridge attracts the hunter who kills it.
No. 118. Vaṭṭaka-Jātaka
118. Vaṭṭaka-Jātaka: A quail, being caught by a fowler, starves itself till no one will buy it, and in the end escapes.
No. 119. Akālarāvi-Jātaka = Type0148
119. Akālarāvi-Jātaka: A cock which crowed in and out of season has its neck wrung.
No. 120. Bandhanamokkha-Jātaka
120. Bandhanamokkha-Jātaka: A queen, who had committed adultery with sixty-four footmen and failed in her overtures to the chaplain, accuses the latter of rape. He reveals her guilt and his own innocence.
No. 121. Kusanāḷi-Jātaka
121. Kusanāḷi-Jātaka: A grass-sprite and a tree-sprite are friends. The former saves the latter's tree from the axe by assuming the shape of a chameleon and making the tree look full of holes.
No. 122. Dummedha-Jātaka = Type0103
122. Dummedha-Jātaka: Being jealous of his elephant, a king seeks to make it fall over a precipice. The elephant flies through the air with its mahout to another and more appreciative master.
No. 123. Naṅgalīsa-Jātaka
123. Naŋgalīsa-Jātaka: A stupid youth, being devoted to his teacher, props up the latter's bed with his own leg all night long. The grateful teacher yearns to instruct the dullard and tries to make him compare things together. The youth sees a likeness to the shaft of a plough in a snake, an elephant, sugar-cane and curds. The teacher abandons all hope.
No. 124. Amba-Jātaka
124. Amba-Jātaka: In time of drought, a hermit provides water for the animals, who in gratitude bring him fruit enough for himself and 500 others.
No. 125. Kaṭāhaka-Jātaka
125. Kaṭāhaka-Jātaka: A slave, educated beyond his station, manages by forging his master's name to marry a rich wife in another city. He gives himself airs till his old master comes, who, while not betraying the slave, teaches the wife verses whereby to restrain her husband's arrogance.
No. 126. Asilakkhaṇa-Jātaka
126. Asilakkhaṇa-Jātaka: Effects of two sneezes. One lost a sword-tester his nose, whilst the other won a princess for her lover.
No. 127. Kalaṇḍuka-Jātaka
127. Kalaṇḍuka-Jātaka: A slave like the one in No. 125 is rebuked for arrogance to his wife by a parrot who knew him at home, The slave is recaptured.
No. 128. Biḷāra-Jātaka = Type0039.
128. Biḷāra-Jātaka: A jackal, under guise of saintliness, eats rats belonging to a troop with which he consorts. His treachery is discovered and avenged.
No. 129. Aggika-Jātaka
129. Aggika-Jātaka: A similar story about rats and a jackal whose hair had all been burnt off except a top-knot which suggested holiness.
No. 130. Kosiya-Jātaka
130. Kosiya-Jātaka: The alternative of the stick or a draught of nauseous filth cures a wife of feigned illness.
No. 131. Asampadāna-Jātaka
131. Asampadāna-Jātaka: A benefactor is repulsed by the man he had befriended. Hearing of this ingratitude, the king gives all the ingrate's wealth to the benefactor, who refuses to take back more than his own.
No. 132. Pañcagaru-Jātaka
132. Pañcagaru-Jātaka: Like No. 96. The king is thankful to have passed through great perils to great dominion.
No. 133. Ghatāsana-Jātaka
133. Ghatāsana-Jātaka: Because the waters of his lake were befouled by birds roosting in an overhanging tree, a Naga darts flames among the boughs. The wise birds fly away; the foolish stay and are killed.
No. 134. Jhānasodhana-Jātaka.
134. Jhānasodhana-Jātaka: Like No. 99.
No. 135. Candābha-Jātaka
135. Candābha-Jātaka: Like No. 99.
No. 136. Suvaṇṇahaṁsa-Jātaka = Type0072
136. Suvaṇṇahaṃsa-Jātaka: The father of a family dies, leaving his family destitute. Being reborn a bird with golden plumage, and discovering the condition of his family, the father gives them a feather at a time to sell. The widow in her greed plucks all his feathers out, only to find that they are gold no more.
No. 137. Babbu-Jātaka = Type0107
137. Babbu-Jātaka: A mouse caught by successive cats buys them off by daily rations of meat. In the end, the mouse, ensconced in crystal, defies the cats, who dash themselves to pieces against the unseen crystal.
No. 138. Godha-Jātaka
138. Godha-Jātaka: A hermit tries in vain to catch a lizard to eat.
No. 139. Ubhatobhaṭṭha-Jātaka
139. Ubhatobhaṭṭha-Jātaka: A fisherman, having hooked a snag, and thinking it a monster fish, wishes to keep it all to himself. How he lost his clothes and his eyes, and how his wife was beaten and fined.
No. 140. Kāka-Jātaka
140. Kāka-Jātaka: A wanton crow having befouled the king's chaplain, the latter prescribes crows' fat for the burns of the king's elephants. The leader of the crows explains to the king that crows have no fat and that revenge alone prompted the chaplain's prescription.
No. 141. Godha-Jātaka
141. Godha-Jātaka: A chameleon betrays a tribe of iguanas to a hunter.
No. 142. Sigāla-Jātaka = Type0074
142. Sigāla-Jātaka: In order to catch a jackal, a man pretends to be dead. To try him, the jackal tugs at the man's stick and finds his grip tighten.
No. 143. Virocana-Jātaka
143. Virocana-Jātaka: A jackal, after attending a lion in the chase, imagines he can kill a quarry as well as the lion. In essaying to kill an elephant, the jackal is killed.
No. 144. Naṅguṭṭha-Jātaka
144. Naŋguṭṭha-Jātaka: Jataka 145
No. 145. Rādha-Jātaka
145. Rādha-Jātaka: A brahmin asks two parrots to keep an eye on his wife during his absence. They observe her misconduct and report it to the brahmin, without essaying the hopeless task of restraining her.
No. 146. Kāka-Jātaka
146. Kāka-Jātaka: A hen crow having been drowned in the sea, other crows try to bale the sea out with their beaks.
No. 147. Puppharatta-Jātaka
147. Puppharatta-Jātaka: In order to have smart holiday attire, a wife makes her husband break into the royal conservatories. Being caught and impaled, he has only the one grief that his wife will not have her flowers to wear.
No. 148. Sigāla-Jātaka
148. Sigāla-Jātaka: A jackal eats his way into a dead elephant's carcass and cannot get out.
No. 149. Ekapaṇṇa-Jātaka
149. Ekapaṇṇa-Jātaka: By the analogy of a poisonous seedling, a wicked prince is reformed.
No. 150. Sañjīva-Jātaka
150. Sañjīva-Jātaka: A youth, who has learnt the charm for restoring the dead to life, tries it on a tiger, with fatal effects to himself.
No. 151. Rājovāda-Jātaka = Type0120
151. Rājovāda-Jātaka: Two kings, both wise and good, meet in a narrow way, and a dispute arises who is to give place. Both are of the same age and power. Their drivers sing each his master's praises. One is good to the good, and bad to the bad; the other repays evil with good. The first acknowledges his superior, and gives place.
No. 152. Sigāla-Jātaka = Type0117
152. Sigāla-Jātaka: The Bodhisatta is a young lion, one of seven brothers; a Jackal proposes love to his sister. Six of the brothers set out to kill the jackal, but seeing him as he lies in a crystal grotto, imagine him to be in the sky, leap up and kill themselves. The Bodhisatta roars, and the jackal dies of fear.
No. 153 Sūkara-Jātaka = Type0118
153 Sūkara-Jātaka: A boar challenges a lion to fight; and then in fear wallows amid filth until he smells so foul that the lion will not come near him, but owns himself vanquished rather than fight with him.
No. 154. Uraga-Jātaka
154. Uraga-Jātaka: A Garuḷa chases a serpent, which taking the form of a jewel, fixes himself upon an ascetic's garment, and by this means wins safety.
No. 155. Gagga-Jātaka = Type0108
155. Gagga-Jātaka: How a goblin had power over all people who did not wish each other well at a sneeze, and how he was foiled.
No. 156. Alīnacitta-Jātaka = Type0016
156. Alīnacitta-Jātaka: An elephant runs a thorn into its foot; it is tended by some carpenters, and serves them out of gratitude. His young one takes his place afterwards, and is bought by the king for a large sum. How on the king's death, it routs a hostile host, and saves the kingdom for the king's infant son.
No. 157. Guṇa-Jātaka
157. Guṇa-Jātaka: A jackal rescues a lion, who out of gratitude makes him a friend. The lioness is jealous of the she-jackal; then the whole matter is explained, and maxims given in praise of friendship.
No. 158. Suhanu-Jātaka = Type0111
158. Suhanu-Jātaka: Two savage horses, that maltreat all other of their kind, strike up a sudden friendship with each other, thus illustrating the proverb, 'Birds of a feather.'
No. 159. Mora-Jātaka
159. Mora-Jātaka: How a peacock kept itself safe by reciting spells; how its mind was disturbed by hearing the female's note, and it was caught; how the king desired to eat it, but the peacock discoursed such good divinity that he was stayed; and finally the bird was set free again to return to the mountains.
No. 160. Vinīlaka-Jātaka = Type0115
160. Vinīlaka-Jātaka: A bird, the offspring of a goose with a crow, is being carried by his father's two other sons to see him, but is arrogant and compares them to horses that serve him; so he is sent back again.
No. 161. Indasamānagotta-Jātaka
161. Indasamānagotta-Jātaka: How a man kept a fat elephant, which turned against him and trampled him to death.
No. 162. Santhava-Jātaka
162. Santhava-Jātaka: How a man had his house burnt by reason of the great offerings which he made to his sacred fire.
No. 163. Susīma-Jātaka
163. Susīma-Jātaka: How a lad whose hereditary right it was to manage a festival, journeyed 2000 leagues in a day, learnt the ceremonial, and returned in time to conduct the ceremony.
No. 164. Gijjha-Jātaka
164. Gijjha-Jātaka: About a merchant who succoured some vultures, and they in return stole cloths and other things and brought to him; how one was caught, and the king learnt the story, and all the goods were restored.
No. 165. Nakula-Jātaka
165. Nakula-Jātaka: How a mongoose and a snake were friends, and distrusted each other nevertheless; and how they were made at one.
No. 166. Upasāḷha-Jātaka
166. Upasāḷha-Jātaka: How a certain man was particular in choice of burying-grounds, and how he was shown that there is no spot free of taint from some dead body.
No. 167. Samiddhi-Jātaka
167. Samiddhi-Jātaka: How a nymph tempted the saint to love, and he resisted, since no man knows the time of death.
No. 168. Sakuṇagghi-Jātaka = Type0114
168. Sakuṇagghi-Jātaka: How a quail beat a falcon by fighting on his own ground.
No. 169. Araka-Jātaka
169. Araka-Jātaka: How the Buddha forsook the world, and discoursed on charity.
No. 170. Kakaṇṭaka-Jātaka
170. Kakaṇṭaka-Jātaka: (See Mahā-ummagga.)
No. 171. Kalyāṇa-Dhamma-Jātaka
171. Kalyāṇa-Dhamma-Jātaka: How a certain man became a recluse all because of a lucky greeting.
No. 172. Daddara-Jātaka
172. Daddara-Jātaka: How a jackal amongst lions betrayed himself by his tongue.
No. 173. Makkaṭa-Jātaka
173. Makkaṭa-Jātaka: How a monkey disguised himself as an ascetic, and was found out.
No. 174. Dūbhiya-Makkaṭa-Jātaka
174. Dūbhiya-Makkaṭa-Jātaka: How the Bodhisatta drew water for a monkey, and all he got for his pains was a grimace and an insult.
No. 175. Ādiccupaṭṭhāna-Jātaka
175. Ādiccupaṭṭhāna-Jātaka: How a rascally monkey made havoc in the settlement, and the people took him for a holy being.
No. 176. Kalāya-Muṭṭhi-Jātaka = Type0075
176. Kalāya-Muṭṭhi-Jātaka: How a monkey threw away a handful of peas to find one.
No. 177. Tiṇḍuka-Jātaka
177. Tiṇḍuka-Jātaka: How a troop of monkeys entered a village by night, and were surrounded by the villagers; and the device by which they were saved.
No. 178. Kacchapa-Jātaka
178. Kacchapa-Jātaka: How a tortoise came to grief because he loved his home too much.
No. 179. Satadhamma-Jātaka
179. Satadhamma-Jātaka: How a proud young brahmin ate the leavings of a low-caste man, and then felt ashamed of himself.
No. 180. Duddada-Jātaka
180. Duddada-Jātaka: Where faith is, no gift is small.
No. 181. Asadisa-Jātaka
181. Asadisa-Jātaka: Of a clever archer, and his feats.
No. 182. Saṁgāmāvacara-Jātaka
182. Saṃgāmāvacara-Jātaka: How a noble elephant obeyed the word of command.
No. 183. Vālodaka-Jātaka
183. Vālodaka-Jātaka: He that is noble keeps a steady brain even though he drain most potent liquor dry.
No. 184. Giridanta-Jātaka
184. Giridanta-Jātaka: Evil communications corrupt good manners.
No. 185. Anabhirati-Jātaka
185. Anabhirati-Jātaka: On serenity of mind.
No. 186. Dadhi-Vāhana-Jātaka = Type0105
186. Dadhi-Vāhana-Jātaka: The Magic Razor-axe, Milk-bowl, and Drum.
No. 187. Catumaṭṭa-Jātaka
187. Catumaṭṭa-Jātaka: How a jackal was reproved for intruding.
No. 188. Sīhakoṭṭhuka-Jātaka = Type0112
188. Sīhakoṭṭhuka-Jātaka: How a mongrel cub among lions was betrayed by its voice.
No. 189. Sīhacamma-Jātaka
189. Sīhacamma-Jātaka: The ass in the lion's skin.
No. 190. Sīlānisaṁsa-Jātaka
190. Sīlānisaṃsa-Jātaka: How a virtuous barber saved another man by his merit.
No. 191. Ruhaka-Jātaka
191. Ruhaka-Jātaka: How a wicked wife fooled her husband, and sent him prancing down the street in horse-trappings.
No. 192. Siri-Kāḷakaṇṇi-Jātaka
192. Siri-Kāḷakaṇṇi-Jātaka: (See Mahā-ummagga.)
No. 193. Culla-Paduma-Jātaka
193. Culla-Paduma-Jātaka: Of a wicked wife, who tried to murder her husband, and finally with her paramour was brought for trial before her husband, then become king.
No. 194. Maṇicora-Jātaka
194. Maṇicora-Jātaka: Of the plot devised by a king to take the wife of another man; and how Sakka caused him to change bodies with his victim, and so to be executed himself.
No. 195. Pabbatūpatthara-Jātaka
195. Pabbatūpatthara-Jātaka: How the Bodhisatta advised a king to condone an intrigue.
No. 196. Valāhassa-Jātaka = Type0022
196. Valāhassa-Jātaka: How some shipwrecked mariners escaped from a city of goblins by aid of a flying horse.
No. 197. Mittāmitta-Jātaka
197. Mittāmitta-Jātaka: How to tell friend from foe.
No. 198. Radha-Jataka. = Type0106
198. Rādha-Jātaka: How a parrot told tales of his mistress, and had his neck wrung.
No. 199. Gahapati-Jātaka
199. Gahapati-Jātaka: How a wife tried to trick her husband, and was found out.
No. 200. Sādhusīla-Jātaka
200. Sādhusīla-Jātaka: How a father chose a husband for his daughters.
No. 201. Bandhanāgāra-Jātaka
201. Bandhanāgāra-Jātaka: The real fetters are those of desire.
No. 202. Keḷi-Sīla-Jātaka
202. Keḷi-Sīla-Jātaka: How Sakka rebuked an irreverent king.
No. 203. Khandha-Vatta-Jātaka
203. Khandha-Vatta-Jātaka: How to win the goodwill of snakes.
No. 204. Vīraka-Jātaka = Type0099
204. Vīraka-Jātaka: How a crow tried to steal meat, and was plucked.
No. 205. Gaṅgeyya-Jātaka
205. Gaŋgeyya-Jātaka: How two fish disputed which should be the more beautiful, and a tortoise answered that he was more beautiful than either.
No. 206. Kuruṅga-Miga-Jātaka = Type0071
206. Kuruŋga-Miga-Jātaka: How a woodpecker and a tortoise rescued their friend the antelope from a trap.
No. 207. Assaka-Jātaka
207. Assaka-Jātaka: How a king was cured of love for his dead wife by a revelation of her present condition.
No. 208. Suṁsumāra-Jātaka = Type0005
208. Suṃsumāra-Jātaka: How a crocodile wanted the heart of a monkey, and how the monkey pretended that it was hanging on a fig-tree.
No. 209. Kakkara-Jātaka
209. Kakkara-Jātaka: How a fowler tried to stalk a bird by covering himself with branches.
No. 210. Kandagalaka-Jātaka
210. Kandagalaka-Jātaka: How a woodpecker struck a tree too hard for it, and perished.
No. 211. Somadatta-Jātaka = Type0109
211. Somadatta-Jātaka: How a foolish man gave when he meant to crave.
No. 212. Ucchiṭṭha-Bhatta-Jātaka
212. Ucchiṭṭha-Bhatta-Jātaka: How a husband found out his wife's intrigue by the state of the rice.
No. 213. Bharu-Jātaka
213. Bharu-Jātaka: How the king of Bharu made two bands of hermits to quarrel.
No. 214. Puṇṇa-Nadī-Jātaka
214. Puṇṇa-Nadī-Jātaka: How a king sent a riddling message to his former preceptor.
No. 215. Kacchapa-Jātaka = Type0007
215. Kacchapa-Jātaka: How a tortoise was conveyed through the air, biting with his teeth upon a stick; and how he answered to a taunt, and fell.
No. 216. Maccha-Jātaka
216. Maccha-Jātaka: How a fish being captured lamented for loss of his wife, and was set at liberty.
No. 217. Seggu-Jātaka
217. Seggu-Jātaka: How a pious greengrocer tested his daughter's virtue.
No. 218. Kūṭa-Vāṇija-Jātaka = Type0082
218. Kūṭa-Vāṇija-Jātaka: How a man deposited ploughshares with a friend, and the friend protested that they had been eaten by rats; and of the clever device by which the man's guilt was brought home to him.
No. 219. Garahita-Jātaka
219. Garahita-Jātaka: How a monkey had been a captive of men, and escaped, and his censure upon mankind.
No. 220. Dhammaddhaja-Jātaka
220. Dhammaddhaja-Jātaka: How impossible tasks were set to a good man, who did them all by aid of Sakka.
No. 221. Kāsāva-Jātaka
221. Kāsāva-Jātaka: How a man disguised himself in holy robes, and killed elephants; and how he was put to shame.
No. 222. Cūla-Nandiya-Jātaka
222. Cūla-Nandiya-Jātaka: How two monkeys sacrificed their lives to save their mother, and what befel the hunter.
No. 223. Puṭa-Bhatta-Jātaka
223. Puṭa-Bhatta-Jātaka: How a harsh husband was rebuked.
No. 224. Kumbhīla-Jātaka
224. Kumbhīla-Jātaka: Jataka 225
No. 225. Khanti-Vaṇṇana-Jātaka
225. Khanti-Vaṇṇana-Jātaka: How two sinners were made to amend their ways.
No. 226. Kosiya-Jātaka
226. Kosiya-Jātaka: How an owl came to grief through sallying forth untimely.
No. 227. Gūtha-Pāṇa-Jātaka
227. Gūtha-Pāṇa-Jātaka: How an intoxicated beetle challenged an elephant, and was ignominiously destroyed.
No. 228. Kāmanīta-Jātaka
228. Kāmanīta-Jātaka: How a king was cured of greed.
No. 229. Palāyi-Jātaka
229. Palāyi-Jātaka: How a king was frightened away by the mere sight of a city gate.
No. 230. Dutiya-Palāyi-Jātaka
230. Dutiya-Palāyi-Jātaka: How a hostile king was frightened away by the sight of the Bodhisatta, and the hearing of his threats.
No. 231. Upāhana-Jātaka
231. Upāhana-Jātaka: How a pupil tried to outdo his teacher, and was worsted.
No. 232. Vīṇā-Thūṇa-Jātaka
232. Vīṇā-Thūṇa-Jātaka: How a girl thought a humpback was a right royal man, and how she was undeceived.
No. 233. Vikaṇṇaka-Jātaka
233. Vikaṇṇaka-Jātaka: How some fish came to feed at the sound of a drum; and how a malevolent crocodile was speared.
No. 234. Asitābhū-Jātaka
234. Asitābhū-Jātaka: How a man, enamoured of a sprite, lost his wife by this lust.
No. 235. Vaccha-Nakha-Jātaka
235. Vaccha-Nakha-Jātaka: How a Brother was tempted to return to the world, and the evil of a worldly life shown forth.
No. 236. Baka-Jātaka
236. Baka-Jātaka: How a crane shammed sleep, in order to catch fish; and how he was exposed.
No. 237. Sāketa-Jātaka
237. Sāketa-Jātaka: (As No. 68.)
No. 238. Ekapada-Jātaka
238. Ekapada-Jātaka: Of a precocious boy who asked a philosophical question; and the answer to the same.
No. 239. Harita-Māta-Jātaka
239. Harita-Māta-Jātaka: A water-snake that fell into a fish-trap, and how the fish all fell upon him; with a moral.
No. 240. Mahāpiṅgala-Jātaka
240. Mahāpiŋgala-Jātaka: How the porter mourned when his tyrannical master died, lest he should prove too much for the King of Death, and should be sent back to earth again.
No. 241. Sabbadāṭha-Jātaka
241. Sabbadāṭha-Jātaka: How a jackal learnt the spell 'Of subduing the world,' and by it collected a great army of wild beasts; and how he was discomfited.
No. 242. Sunakha-Jātaka
242. Sunakha-Jātaka: How a dog gnawed through his leash, and escaped from servitude.
No. 243. Guttila-Jātaka
243. Guttila-Jātaka: How a great musician played by aid of Sakka to the delight of all that heard.
No. 244. Vīticcha-Jātaka
244. Vīticcha-Jātaka: How a certain man tried to catch the Master with phrases.
No. 245. Mūla-Pariyāya-Jātaka
245. Mūla-Pariyāya-Jātaka: How the Master discomfited some would-be clever youths.
No. 246. Telovāda-Jātaka
246. Telovāda-Jātaka: That there is no harm in eating meat, but only in taking life.
No. 247. Pādañjali-Jātaka
247. Pādañjali-Jātaka: How a fool was found out.
No. 248. Kiṁsukopama-Jātaka = Type0076
248. Kiṃsukopama-Jātaka: How four lads saw a tree, and each described it differently.
No. 249. Sālaka-Jātaka
249. Sālaka-Jātaka: How soft words failed to bring down a monkey from a tree.
No. 250. Kapi-Jātaka
250. Kapi-Jātaka: How a monkey disguised himself as an ascetic, and was found out.
No. 251. Saṁkappa-Jātaka
251. Saṃkappa-Jātaka: How an ascetic was tempted by lust, and how he was saved.
No. 252. Tila-Muṭṭhi-Jātaka
252. Tila-Muṭṭhi-Jātaka: How a teacher chastised a pupil, and the pupil meditated revenge, but was appeased.
No. 253. Maṇi-Kaṇṭha-Jātaka
253. Maṇi-Kaṇṭha-Jātaka: How a serpent and an ascetic were friends, and how the ascetic got rid of the serpent.
No. 254. Kuṇḍaka-Kucchi-Sindhava-Jātaka
254. Kuṇḍaka-Kucchi-Sindhava-Jātaka: Of a high-bred foal; how he knew his own worth, and what he could do for a marvel.
No. 255. Suka-Jātaka
255. Suka-Jātaka: Of a parrot that used to bring food oversea for his parents, and how he ate too much, and was drowned.
No. 256. Jarudapāna-Jātaka
256. Jarudapāna-Jātaka: How some men won a treasure by digging, and by digging too much lost it again.
No. 257. Gāmaṇi-Caṇḍa-Jātaka
257. Gāmaṇi-Caṇḍa-Jātaka: How a prince's wisdom was tried. Also how a man was haled to the king's tribunal for injuries done unwittingly, and the judgements of the king thereupon; and of certain problems propounded to him by those he met. [Several stories in one.]
No. 258. Mandhātu-Jātaka
258. Mandhātu-Jātaka: How a king could not win contentment, not though he ruled as King of Heaven.
No. 259. Tirīṭa-Vaccha-Jātaka
259. Tirīṭa-Vaccha-Jātaka: How a king's life was saved, and the gratitude which he showed to his deliverer.
No. 260. Dūta-Jātaka
260. Dūta-Jātaka: How a man got a meal by calling himself 'Belly's Messenger.'
No. 261. Paduma-Jātaka = Type0119
261. Paduma-Jātaka: How some boys tried to wheedle a noseless gardener that he might give them a bunch of lotus.
No. 262. Mudu-Pāṇi-Jātaka
262. Mudu-Pāṇi-Jātaka: Love will find a way; and the nature of womankind.
No. 263. Culla-Palobhana-Jātaka
263. Culla-Palobhana-Jātaka: How the Bodhisatta is tempted by a woman, and succumbs.
No. 264. Mahā-Panāda-Jātaka
264. Mahā-Panāda-Jātaka: (Incomplete: as No. 489.)
No. 265. Khurappa-Jātaka
265. Khurappa-Jātaka: How one brave man saved a caravan from robbers.
No. 266. Vātagga-Sindhava-Jātaka
266. Vātagga-Sindhava-Jātaka: How a she-ass fell in love with a fine horse, and by coquetry lost him.
No. 267. Kakkatā-Jātaka = Type0104
267. Kakkatā-Jātaka: How an elephant, by aid of his faithful mate, destroyed an immense crab.
No. 268. Ārāma-Dūsa-Jātaka
268. Ārāma-Dūsa-Jātaka: How some monkeys were left to water a garden, and how they pulled up the trees to proportion the water to the length of the roots.
No. 269. Sujāta-Jātaka
269. Sujāta-Jātaka: How the shrew was tamed by observation of a cuckoo and a jay.
No. 270. Ulūka-Jātaka = Type0068
270. Ulūka-Jātaka: How the owl was proposed as king of the birds, but because of his sour looks, not taken.
No. 271. Udapāna-Dūsaka-Jātaka
271. Udapāna-Dūsaka-Jātaka: The vile nature of jackals.
No. 272. Vyaggha-Jātaka
272. Vyaggha-Jātaka: How a sprite drove away from its wood a lion and tiger, and how men came and cut the trees down.
No. 273. Kacchapa-Jātaka
273. Kacchapa-Jātaka: How a monkey insulted a tortoise, and how he was punished.
No. 274. Lola-Jātaka
274. Lola-Jātaka: How a crow lost his life through greed.
No. 275.
275. Rucira-Jātaka: (As No. 274.)
No. 276. Kurudhamma-Jātaka
276. Kurudhamma-Jātaka: How there was a drought, and by observance of virtue the rain was made to come.
No. 277. Romaka-Jātaka
277. Romaka-Jātaka: How a sham ascetic tried to kill a bird, and failed.
No. 278. Mahisa-Jātaka
278. Mahisa-Jātaka: Of a wicked monkey, that was killed for his vileness; and of the patience of the Bodhisatta.
No. 279. Satapatta-Jātaka
279. Satapatta-Jātaka: How a man did not know his friend from his enemy; and how the Bodhisatta was a robber.
No. 280. Puṭa-Dūsaka-Jātaka
280. Puṭa-Dūsaka-Jātaka: Of a monkey who thought to please a gardener by destroying the potties which he made.
No. 281. Abbhantara-Jātaka
281. Abbhantara-Jātaka: How a queen longed for a 'middle mango'; and how a pet parrot procured one.
No. 282. Seyya-Jātaka
282. Seyya-Jātaka: How a marauding monarch was conquered by kindness.
No. 283. Vaḍḍhaki-Sūkara-Jātaka
283. Vaḍḍhaki-Sūkara-Jātaka: How a boar drilled an army of boars to conquer a tiger; and how a sham ascetic was done to death.
No. 284. Siri-Jātaka
284. Siri-Jātaka: How luck came of eating the flesh of certain birds.
No. 285. Maṇisūkara-Jātaka
285. Maṇisūkara-Jātaka: How some boars tried to sully crystal by rubbing it, and only made it shine the more.
No. 286. Sālūka-Jātaka
286. Sālūka-Jātaka: How an ox envied the fatted pig.
No. 287. Lābha-Garaha-Jātaka
287. Lābha-Garaha-Jātaka: Of the evil of a worldly life.
No. 288. Macch-Uddāna-Jātaka = Type0100
288. Macch-Uddāna-Jātaka: How a parcel of money was lost in the river, and restored by the river-spirit in the belly of a fish.
No. 289. Nāna-Cchanda-Jātaka
289. Nāna-Cchanda-Jātaka: How a king fell into the hands of thieves, and a brahmin saw it; and what were the boons he asked.
No. 290. Sīla-Vīmaṁsa-Jātaka
290. Sīla-Vīmaṃsa-Jātaka: How a man tried his own reputation for virtue.
No. 291. Bhadra-Ghaṭa-Jātaka
291. Bhadra-Ghaṭa-Jātaka: The Wishing-Bowl, with a moral ending.
No. 292. Supatta-Jātaka
292. Supatta-Jātaka: How a queen of the crows desired some meat, and a brave crow got it for her.
No. 293. Kāya-Vicchinda-Jātaka
293. Kāya-Vicchinda-Jātaka: Of a sick man who on his recovery became religious, to his own great advantage.
No. 294. Jambu-Khādaka-Jātaka
294. Jambu-Khādaka-Jātaka: The Fox and the Crow, with a difference.
No. 295. Anta-Jātaka
295. Anta-Jātaka: Similar to the last, but vice versa.
No. 296. Samudda-Jātaka
296. Samudda-Jātaka: Of a crow that feared the sea might be drunk dry.
No. 297. Kāma-Vilāpa-Jātaka
297. Kāma-Vilāpa-Jātaka: How desire is stronger than pain.
No. 298. Udumbara-Jātaka
298. Udumbara-Jātaka: Old birds cannot be caught with chaff.
No. 299. Komāya-Putta-Jātaka
299. Komāya-Putta-Jātaka: Upon the reformation of a mischievous monkey.
No. 300. Vaka-Jātaka = Type0110
300. Vaka-Jātaka: How a wolf kept a holy day service.
No. 301.: Cullakāliṅga-Jātaka
301. Cullakāliŋga-Jātaka: A king, being eager to fight, finds occasion to quarrel with another king. Misled by a prophecy of victory and neglecting the omens, he is defeated by his adversary.
No. 302.: Mahāassāroha-Jātaka.
302. Mahāassāroha-Jātaka: A king, being defeated by rebels, finds a hospitable shelter with a poor countryman, and rewards his benefactor with the half of his kingdom.
No. 303.: Ekarāja-Jātaka.
303. Ekarāja-Jātaka: A king is taken prisoner and tortured, and by his patience under suffering wins his enemy to repentance.
No. 304.: Daddara-Jātaka.
304. Daddara-Jātaka: How two brothers were driven from their father's kingdom, and how their pride was humbled by the contumely they suffered in their exile.
No. 305.: Sīlavīmaṁsana-Jātaka.
305. Sīlavīmaṃsana-Jātaka: A teacher tests the virtue of his pupils by tempting them to steal. The only youth, that stands the test, is rewarded by marrying his master's daughter.
No. 306.: Sujāta-Jātaka.
306. Sujāta-Jātaka: How the daughter of a fruiterer became a queen, and by her pride nearly lost her position.
No. 307.: Palāsa-Jātaka.
307. Palāsa-Jātaka: A brahmin pays honour to a tree-spirit and is rewarded by the discovery of a buried treasure.
No. 308.: Javasakuṇa-Jātaka. = Type0031
308. Javasakuṇa-Jātaka: The story of the woodpecker and the ungrateful lion.
No. 309.: Chavaka-Jātaka.
309. Chavaka-Jātaka: How a pariah, who stole mangoes, ventured to reprove a king for allowing a priest to teach him from a lower seat.
No. 310.: Sayha-Jātaka.
310. Sayha-Jātaka: How a brahmin refused to give up the ascetic life in order to become family priest to a king.
No. 311.: Pucimanda-Jātaka.
311. Pucimanda-Jātaka: How a nimb-tree spirit frightened away a robber whose presence endangered the safety of the tree.
No. 312.: Kassapamandiya-Jātaka.
312. Kassapamandiya-Jātaka: A father and son in journeying together fall out by the way, and the old man is reproved for his want of self-restraint.
No. 313.: Khantivādi-Jātaka.
313. Khantivādi-Jātaka: How a wicked king cruelly maltreated an ascetic, and how the patience of the holy man endured to the end, and the king was cast into Hell.
No. 314.: Lohakumbhi-Jātaka.
314. Lohakumbhi-Jātaka: A king is terrified by hearing awful cries in the night and is urged by his family priest to avert the evil omen by the sacrifice of living creatures. A young brahmin interprets the sounds to be the cries uttered by lost souls in Hell, and the king takes comfort and forbids the sacrifice.
No. 315.: Maṁsa-Jātaka.
315. Maṃsa-Jātaka: How four young merchants tried to wheedle a hunter out of his venison, and how one alone by his cunning address succeeded.
No. 316.: Sasa-Jātaka. = Type0089
316. Sasa-Jātaka: How a hare, in default of other food, offered its own flesh to be eaten, and was rewarded by having its form supernaturally impressed on the face of the moon.
No. 317.: Matarodana-Jātaka.
317. Matarodana-Jātaka: How a youth, when his brother died, demonstrated the folly of grieving for the dead.
No. 318.: Kanavera-Jātaka.
318. Kanavera-Jātaka: How a courtezan rescued a robber by betraying her lover to death, and how she was afterwards punished for her treachery.
No. 319.: Tittira-Jātaka.
319. Tittira-Jātaka: A decoy-partridge is troubled with scruples of conscience.
No. 320.: Succaja-Jātaka.
320. Succaja-Jātaka: How a prince requited his wife's devotion with base ingratitude, until he was brought to a better mind by the admonition of his minister.
No. 321.: Kuṭidūsaka-Jātaka.
321. Kuṭidūsaka-Jātaka: How a monkey, through envy, destroyed a bird's nest.
No. 322.: Daddabha-Jātaka. = Type0011
322. Daddabha-Jātaka: Of the timid hare and the flight of the beasts.
No. 323.: Brahmadatta-Jātaka.
323. Brahmadatta-Jātaka: Of the ascetic who for twelve years had not the courage to ask for a trifling boon.
No. 324.: Cammasāṭaka-Jātaka.
324. Cammasāṭaka-Jātaka: Of a foolish mendicant who met his death by mistaking the butting of a ram for a respectful salutation.
No. 325.: Godha-Jātaka.
325. Godha-Jātaka: How a greedy ascetic was outwitted by a lizard.
No. 326.: Kakkāru-Jātaka. = Type0098
326. Kakkāru-Jātaka: How a wicked priest was punished for assuming virtues to which he had no claim.
No. 327.: Kākāti-Jātaka.
327. Kākāti-Jātaka: How a roc carried off a king's wife to his island home, and was afterwards outwitted by the king's minstrel.
No. 328.: Ananusociya-Jātaka.
328. Ananusociya-Jātaka: The story of the holy man who found a wife by means of a golden image, and how on her death he neither fasted nor wept.
No. 329.: Kālabāhu-Jātaka.
329. Kālabāhu-Jātaka: The story of the parrots and the black monkey, and how the monkey fell into disgrace and the parrots regained the king's favour.
No. 330.: Sīlavīmaṁsa-Jātaka.
330. Sīlavīmaṃsa-Jātaka: Of the man who tested the power of virtue and of the moral lessons he learned from the hawk and the piece of meat and from the slave-girl to whom loss of hope alone brought peace.
No. 331.: Kokālika-Jātaka.
331. Kokālika-Jātaka: How a talkative king was admonished by the fate of the young bird that cried "cuckoo" too soon.
No. 332.: Rathalaṭṭhi-Jātaka.
332. Rathalaṭṭhi-Jātaka: Of the priest and the carters and the danger of giving judgment before hearing both sides.
No. 333.: Godha-Jātaka.
333. Godha-Jātaka: How a roasted lizard ran away and how a king was convicted of ingratitude to his wife.
No. 334.: Rājovāda-Jātaka.
334. Rājovāda-Jātaka: A king is taught by the parable of the sweet and bitter fig how his realm is affected by a just or unjust rule.
No. 335.: Jambuka-Jātaka.
335. Jambuka-Jātaka: Of the fate of the jackal that presumed to play the part of the lion.
No. 336.: Brahāchatta-Jātaka.
336. Brahāchatta-Jātaka: How a prince by means of a spell discovered buried treasure and substituted grass for gold.
No. 337.: Pīṭha-Jātaka.
337. Pīṭha-Jātaka: The duty of hospitality inculcated by the story of the merchant and the ascetic.
No. 338.: Thusa-Jātaka.
338. Thusa-Jātaka: How a king was saved from being killed by his son, through the repetition of a spell at critical moments.
No. 339.: Bāveru-Jātaka.
339. Bāveru-Jātaka: How a crow was ousted from a position of favour when a peacock appeared.
No. 340.: Visayha-Jātaka. = Type0091
340. Visayha-Jātaka: How a rich merchant, after he was reduced to beggary, continued to exercise charity.
No. 341.: Kaṇḍari-Jātaka.
341. Kaṇḍari-Jātaka: (See Kunūla-Jātaka, No. 523.)
No. 342.: Vānara-Jātaka.
342. Vānara-Jātaka: The crocodile outwitted by the monkey.
No. 343.: Kuntani-Jātaka.
343. Kuntani-Jātaka: The heron's revenge for the loss of her young ones.
No. 344.: Ambacora-Jātaka.
344. Ambacora-Jātaka: How a false ascetic robbed a mango orchard and charged some innocent maidens with the theft.
No. 345.: Gajakumbha-Jātaka.
345. Gajakumbha-Jātaka: Of a slothful king admonished by the example of a lazy tortoise.
No. 346.: Kesava-Jātaka.
346. Kesava-Jātaka: The sick hermit and his friend, or love the best physician.
No. 347.: Ayakūṭa-Jātaka.
347. Ayakūṭa-Jātaka: How a king who had forbidden the sacrifice of living creatures was shielded by a god from the vengeance of a goblin.
No. 348.: Arañña-Jātaka.
348. Arañña-Jātaka: Of a virtuous youth led astray by evil communications.
No. 349.: Sandhibheda-Jātaka.
349. Sandhibheda-Jātaka: A jackal by slanderous words brings about a fatal quarrel between a lion and a bull.
No. 350.: Devatāpañha-Jātaka.
350. Devatāpañha-Jātaka: (See Ummagga-Jātaka.)
No. 351.: Maṇikuṇḍala-Jātaka.
351. Maṇikuṇḍala-Jātaka: (Same as No. 303.).
No. 352.: Sujāta-Jātaka.
352. Sujāta-Jātaka: A father is cured of inordinate grief by the feigned madness of his son.
No. 353.: Dhonasākha-Jātaka.
353. Dhonasākha-Jātaka: How a king, who was guilty of gross cruelty, met with fitting retribution.
No. 354.: Uraga-Jātaka.
354. Uraga-Jātaka: How, when a brahmin lost his son, neither he nor any of his family lamented or wept, and of their exceeding great reward.
No. 355.: Ghata-Jātaka.
355. Ghata-Jātaka: (Same as No. 303.).
No. 356.: Kāraṇḍiya-Jātaka.
356. Kāraṇḍiya-Jātaka: A teacher is taught by his pupil the folly of preaching to unwilling hearers.
No. 357.: Laṭukika-Jātaka.
357. Laṭukika-Jātaka: How a quail brought about the destruction of an elephant that had killed her young ones.
No. 358.: Culladhammapāla-Jātaka.
358. Culladhammapāla-Jātaka: A king, being jealous of his queen's affection for her child, has the boy mutilated and killed, and is punished by being cast into Hell.
No. 359.: Suvaṇṇamiga-Jātaka.
359. Suvaṇṇamiga-Jātaka: How a stag caught in a snare was released from death by the devotion of his doe.
No. 360.: Sussondi-Jātaka.
360. Sussondi-Jātaka: (Same as No. 327.).
No. 361.: Vaṇṇāroha-Jātaka.
361. Vaṇṇāroha-Jātaka: The jackal as calumniator tries in vain to set a lion and a tiger at variance.
No. 362.: Sīlavīmaṁsa-Jātaka.
362. Sīlavīmaṃsa-Jātaka: How a man tried his own reputation for virtue.
No. 363.: Hiri-Jātaka.
363. Hiri-Jātaka: (Imperfect. Same as Akataññu-Jātaka, No. 90.).
No. 364.: Khajjopanaka-Jātaka.
364. Khajjopanaka-Jātaka: (See Mahāummagga. ).
No. 365.: Ahiguṇḍika-Jātaka.
365. Ahiguṇḍika-Jātaka: How a monkey that had been beaten was not to be cajoled by soft words.
No. 366.: Gumbiya-Jātaka.
366. Gumbiya-Jātaka: How a merchant warned the members of his caravan against eating strange food, and how those that neglected his warning were poisoned by an evil spirit.
No. 367.: Sāliya-Jātaka.
367. Sāliya-Jātaka: The biter bit, or the story of the knavish doctor who was killed by the snake which he pretended was harmless.
No. 368.: Tacasāra-Jātaka.
368. Tacasāra-Jātaka: The same story as the preceding one, to which is added how certain lads were acquitted of the charge of having caused the death of the doctor.
No. 369.: Mittavinda-Jātaka.
369. Mittavinda-Jātaka: (A fragment of No. 41.).
No. 370.: Palāsa-Jātaka.
370. Palāsa-Jātaka: How a Judas tree was destroyed by the parasitic growth of a banyan shoot.
No. 371.: Dīghitikosala-Jātaka.
371. Dīghitikosala-Jātaka: A prince spares the life of the king who had slain his father and thereby wins him to repentance.
No. 372.: Migapotaka-Jātaka.
372. Migapotaka-Jātaka: An ascetic is admonished against excessive grief for the loss of a pet deer.
No. 373.: Mūsika-Jātaka.
373. Mūsika-Jātaka: A king by repeating a spell at critical moments baffles the attempts of his heir to kill him.
No. 374.: Culladhanuggaha-Jātaka.
374. Culladhanuggaha-Jātaka: A woman who betrayed her husband to death, and was afterwards deserted by her lover, has her folly brought home to her by witnessing the fate of a greedy jackal.
No. 375.: Kapota-Jātaka.
375. Kapota-Jātaka: How a greedy crow was made ridiculous and tortured to death.
No. 376.: Avāriya-Jātaka.
376. Avāriya-Jātaka: How a foolish ferryman behaved when offered good advice instead of his fare.
No. 377.: Setaketu-Jātaka.
377. Setaketu-Jātaka: How caste and feigned sanctity were foiled.
No. 378.: Darīmukha-Jātaka.
378. Darīmukha-Jātaka: How a king renounced his kingdom on the advice of an old friend, who had become a paccekaBuddha.
No. 379.: Neru-Jātaka.
379. Neru-Jātaka: How royal birds avoid a golden mountain which makes all birds appear alike.
No. 380.: Āsaṅka-Jātaka.
380. Āsaŋka-Jātaka: How a king spent three years in finding out the name of his future queen.
No. 381.: Migālopa-Jātaka.
381. Migālopa-Jātaka: How a disobedient vulture perished.
No. 382.: Sirikālakaṇṇi-Jātaka.
382. Sirikālakaṇṇi-Jātaka: How precedence was settled by a good merchant between the goddesses of Good and Ill Fortune.
No. 383.: Kukkuṭa-Jātaka.
383. Kukkuṭa-Jātaka: How a cat failed to deceive a cock.
No. 3841.: Dhammaddhaja-Jātaba.
384. Dhammaddhaja-Jātaka: How a hypocritical crow was put to death.
No. 385.: Nandiyamiga-Jātaka.
385. Nandiyamiga-Jātaka: How a good deer brought blessings to his kindred and to all animals.
No. 386.: Kharaputta-Jātaka.
386. Kharaputta-Jātaka: How a king got a charm from a nāga by which he understood the sounds of all animals: his queen tried to get the charm from him, but was foiled through some advice given by Sakka, disguised as a goat.
No. 387.: Sūci-Jātaka.
387. Sūci-Jātaka: How a young smith made a marvellous needle, and thereby won to wife the daughter of a head-smith.
No. 388.: Tuṇḍila-Jātaka.
388. Tuṇḍila-Jātaka: How a pig explained to his younger brother that death is not to be feared.
No. 389.: Suvaṇṇakakkaṭa-Jātaka.
389. Suvaṇṇakakkaṭa-Jātaka: How a farmer was saved by a good crab from being killed by a snake in league with a crow: the two latter were themselves killed.
No. 390.: Mayhaka-Jātaka.
390. Mayhaka-Jātaka: How a greedy, murdering uncle was compared to a certain bird, and so converted.
No. 391.: Dhajaviheṭha-Jātaka.
391. Dhajaviheṭha-Jātaka: How a wicked person, disguised as a Brother, caused the expulsion of Brethren from a kingdom, and the spiritual ruin of the people: Sakka interfered and saved the kingdom.
No. 392.: Bhisapuppha-Jātaka.
392. Bhisapuppha-Jātaka: How a brahmin was accused of stealing the smell of a flower.
No. 393.: Vighāsa-Jātaka.
393. Vighāsa-Jātaka: How certain self-indulgent monks were warned by a parrot.
No. 394.: Vaṭṭaka-Jātaka.
394. Vaṭṭaka-Jātaka: How a quail explained to a crow how to get fat.
No. 395.: Kāka-Jātaka.
395. Kāka-Jātaka: How a greedy crow was made ridiculous and put to death.
No. 396.: Kukku-Jātaka.
396. Kukku-Jātaka: How a king was converted by certain parables.
No. 397.: Manoja-Jātaka. = Type0083
397. Manoja-Jātaka: How a lion was enticed to his death by the counsel of a jackal.
No. 398.: Sutano-Jātaka.
398. Sutano-Jātaka: How a king, falling into the power of a man-eating goblin, sent people daily to be eaten: a young man got the better of the goblin and converted him.
No. 399.: Gijjha-Jātaka.
399. Gijjha-Jātaka: How a good young vulture was loosed from a snare by a hunter.
No. 400.: Dabbhapuppha-Jātaka. = Type0077
400. Dabbhapuppha-Jātaka: How two otters, who had caught a fish, were cheated by a jackal.
No. 401.: Dasaṇṇaka-Jātaka.
401. Dasaṇṇaka-Jātaka: How a king was cured of a sickness, born of longing for his wife, by seeing a man swallowing a sword.
No. 402.: Sattubhasta-Jātaka.
402. Sattubhasta-Jātaka: How an old brahmin was sent away by his wife to beg: a snake got into his meal-bag unperceived: a young brahmin preacher guessed that the snake was there, and then exposed the wife's wickedness.
No. 403.: Aṭṭhisena-Jātaka.
403. Aṭṭhisena-Jātaka: How a brahmin explains to a king why he makes no petition.
No. 404.: Kapi-Jātaka.
404. Kapi-Jātaka: How a naughty monkey brought ruin on his kindred.
No. 405.: Baka-Brahma-Jātaka.
405. Baka-Brahma-Jātaka: How an angel was converted from heresy.
No. 406.: Gandhāra-Jātaka.
406. Gandhāra-Jātaka: How two kings became ascetics, and one was admonished in a fault by the other.
No. 407.: Mahākapi-Jātaka. = Type0078
407. Mahākapi-Jātaka: How a monkey saved his followers at the cost of his own life.
No. 408.: Kumbhakāra-Jātaka.
408. Kumbhakāra-Jātaka: How four kings became ascetics through observing a mango-tree, a bracelet, a flock of birds, and same bulls respectively: a potter and his wife separately follow their example.
No. 409.: Daḷhadhamma-Jātaka. = Type0094
409. Daḷhadhamma-Jātaka: How a she-elephant, forgotten by the king in her old age, was restored to honour.
No. 410.: Somadatta-Jātaka.
410. Somadatta-Jātaka: How an ascetic was comforted for the loss of a young elephant.
No. 411.: Susīma-Jātaka.
411. Susīma-Jātaka: How a king became an ascetic on being shewn a grey hair by his chief queen.
No. 412.: Koṭisimbali-Jātaka.
412. Koṭisimbali-Jātaka: How a tree-spirit was frightened by a bird and comforted by a roc-king.
No. 413.: Dhūmakāri-Jātaka.
413. Dhūmakāri-Jātaka: How a king neglected old friends for new ones: his case illustrated by a story of a brahmin goatherd and some deer.
No. 414.: Jāgara-Jātaka
414. Jāgara-Jātaka: How an ascetic kept vigil at nights.
No. 415.: Kummāsapiṇḍa-Jātaka.
415. Kummāsapiṇḍa-Jātaka: How a king and queen declared the merits in former births that brought about their birth in royal rank.
No. 416.: Parantapa-Jātaka.
416. Parantapa-Jātaka: How a prince understood the speech of jackals: and how a king's son discovered and avenged his father's murder after many years.
No. 417.: Kaccāni-Jātaka.
417. Kaccāni-Jātaka: How an old woman, expelled from her son's house owing to her daughter-in-law, thought that Right was dead: and how the whole family became reconciled.
No. 418.: Aṭṭhasadda-Jātaka.
418. Aṭṭhasadda-Jātaka: How eight sounds that had frightened a king were explained to him harmlessly.
No. 419.: Sulasā-Jātaka.
419. Sulasā-Jātaka: How a man who would have killed his wife was killed by her.
No. 420.: Sumaṅgala-Jātaka.
420. Sumaŋgala-Jātaka: How a king would not decide a case till his anger was over.
No. 421.: Gaṅgamāla-Jātaka.
421. Gaŋgamāla-Jātaka: How a willing servant was reborn as a king: how he shared his kingdom for a time with a poor water-carrier who had shown himself an honest fellow: how a barber got from the king the explanation of his birth in the kingly rank, and became a paccekaBuddha, honoured by the king.
No. 422.: Cetiya-Jātaka.
422. Cetiya-Jātaka: How a king, who told a lie in the golden age, sank into the earth and so down to Hell.
No. 423.: Indriya-Jātaka.
423. Indriya-Jātaka: How a tempted ascetic was warned by the story of a miserable hunter.
No. 424.: Āditta-Jātaka.
424. Āditta-Jātaka: How seven paccekaBuddhas came and received gifts from a king.
No. 425.: Aṭṭhāna-Jātaka.
425. Aṭṭhāna-Jātaka: How an ascetic repulsed a woman who had once behaved harshly to him.
No. 426.: Dīpi-Jātaka.
426. Dīpi-Jātaka: How a panther ate a she-goat for all her politeness.
No. 427.: Gijjha-Jātaka.
427. Gijjha-Jātaka: How a vulture perished, through attempting too bold a flight.
No. 428.: Kosambī-Jātaka.
428. Kosambī-Jātaka: (Imperfect — with a reference to the story in No. 371.)
No. 429.: Mahāsuka-Jātaka.
429. Mahāsuka-Jātaka: How a grateful parrot refused to leave a barren fig-tree.
No. 430.: Cullasuka-Jātaka.
430. Cullasuka-Jātaka: The same story as the preceding one.
No. 431.: Hārita-Jātaka.
431. Hārita-Jātaka: Of an ascetic who would not tell a lie to conceal his sin.
No. 432.: Padakusalamāṇava-Jātaka.
432. Padakusalamāṇava-Jātaka: A boy receives, as a gift from a goblin mother, the power of recognizing footsteps even in the air, and a king, to test the boy's skill, steals his own jewels and then sets the boy to catch the thief. When the boy by a number of pointed stories convicts him of theft, the king is put to death by his own subjects and the boy becomes king.
No. 433.: Lomasakassapa-Jātaka.
433. Lomasakassapa-Jātaka: How a king promised his daughter in marriage to an ascetic, if he would offer a living sacrifice, and how the ascetic resisted the temptation.
No. 434.: Cakkavāka-Jātaka.
434. Cakkavāka-Jātaka: How a crow, through his greediness, could not attain to the beauty of the ruddy goose.
No. 435.: Haliddirāga-Jātaka.
435. Haliddirāga-Jātaka: A youth, who was being led astray by female seductions, is rescued by the sage counsels of his father.
No. 436.: Samugga-Jātaka.
436. Samugga-Jātaka: How a demon, who swallowed his wife and carried her about in his belly, even so failed to keep her virtuous.
No. 437.: Pūtimaṅsa-Jātaka. = Type0084
437. Pūtimaŋsa-Jātaka: How a wise she-goat outwitted the jackal that was plotting to kill her.
No. 438.: Tittira-Jātaka.
438. Tittira-Jātaka: How a wicked ascetic killed a learned partridge, and how a lion and a tiger avenged the death of the partridge.
No. 439.: Catu-Dvāra-Jātaka.
439. Catu-Dvāra-Jātaka: About Mittavindaka, and how he was punished for covetousness.
No. 440.: Kaṇha-Jātaka. = Type0101
440. Kaṇha-Jātaka: How an ascetic made wise choice of boons offered him by Sakka.
No. 441.: Catu-Posathika-Jātaka.
441. Catu-Posathika-Jātaka: (See Puṇṇaka-jātaka.).
No. 442.: Saṅkha-Jātaka.
442. Saŋkha-Jātaka: How a gift to a Pacceka Buddha was plenteously rewarded, and of the magic ship.
No. 443.: Culla-Bodhi-Jātaka.
443. Culla-Bodhi-Jātaka: How an ascetic was free from all passion, and how he explained to a king the nature of passion.
No. 444.: Kaṇhadīpāyana-Jātaka.
444. Kaṇhadīpāyana-Jātaka: Of a number of persons who confessed their secret faults, and of the virtue of an Act of Truth.
No. 445.: Nigrodha-Jātaka.
445. Nigrodha-Jātaka: How a low-born man became king by eating of a cock's flesh, and of the gratitude and ingratitude of friends shown according to their kind.
No. 446.: Takkaḷa-Jātaka.
446. Takkaḷa-Jātaka: How an ungrateful son planned to murder his old father, but when his own son overhearing showed him an object-lesson of his own ugliness, he was put to shame.
No. 447.: Mahā-Dhamma-Pāla-Jātaka. = Type0097
447. Mahā-Dhamma-Pāla-Jātaka: How a father refused to believe that his son was dead, because it was not the custom of his family to die young: this was the result of good living through many generations.
No. 448.: Kukkuṭa-Jātaka.
448. Kukkuṭa-Jātaka: How a falcon pretended to make friends with a fowl, but the other was not deceived.
No. 449.: Maṭṭa-Kuṇḍali-Jātaka.
449. Maṭṭa-Kuṇḍali-Jātaka: How one who mourned for his son was comforted.
No. 450.: Biḷāri-Kosiya-Jātaka.
450. Biḷāri-Kosiya-Jātaka: How a niggard was cured by holy beings who pretended to choke at his food.
No. 451.: Cakka-Vāka-Jātaka.
451. Cakka-Vāka-Jātaka: Of a crow and two ruddy geese, how they discoursed each of his own food, and what was the cause of their colours.
No. 452.: Bhūri-Pañha-Jātaka.
452. Bhūri-Pañha-Jātaka: (Ummagga-jātaka.).
No. 453.: Mahā-Maṅgala-Jātaka.
453. Mahā-Maŋgala-Jātaka: Of the vanity of omens, and how goodness and kindness are omens of the best.
No. 454.: Ghata-Jātaka.
454. Ghata-Jātaka: How a girl was kept prisoner in a tower that she might wed no one, and how the attempt was defeated, of the magic city which was guarded by an ass, of the wild deeds of the Ten Slave Brethren, who became kings by right of conquest, and finally perished, and how a king was consoled for the loss of his beloved son.
No. 455.: Māti-Posaka-Jātaka.
455. Māti-Posaka-Jātaka: How an elephant, too virtuous to resist, was captured, and how the king released him, touched by the love this elephant bore to his mother.
No. 456.: Juṇha-Jātaka
456. Juṇha-Jātaka: How a prince made a promise which he fulfilled when he came into his kingdom.
No. 457.: Dhamma-Jātaka.
457. Dhamma-Jātaka: How Right and Wrong argued each his cause, and how Wrong had the worst of it.
No. 458.: Udaya-Jātaka.
458. Udaya-Jātaka: How a king and queen had continence in wedlock, and how Sakka put the queen to the test, and how she was justified.
No. 459.: Pānīya-Jātaka.
459. Pānīya-Jātaka: How a villager stole water from his fellow-labourer's pot, and by meditating upon it became a Pacceka Buddha; and how others, pondering upon their sins, attained to the like result.
No. 460.: Yuvañjaya-Jātaka.
460. Yuvañjaya-Jātaka: How a prince, by seeing the dewdrops, was led to meditate on the impermanency of all things, and retired from the world.
No. 461.: Dasaratha-Jātaka.
461. Dasaratha-Jātaka: How two princes with their sister went abroad to be out of harm's way, and dwelt in the mountains; how they bore the news of their father's death; how the eldest prince sent his slippers to take his own place on the throne, and how they gave token of displeasure if any wrong judgement were given.
No. 462.: Saṁvara-Jātaka.
462. Saṃvara-Jātaka: How a prince by seeming modesty made friends of all manner of people, and the device whereby he pacified his brothers, who would have made war on him.
No. 463.: Suppāraka-Jātaka.
463. Suppāraka-Jātaka: How a blind mariner was made the king's assessor and valuer, and how he was pilot to a vessel, which traversed the perilous seas of fairy land.
No. 464.: Culla-Kuṇāla-Jātaka.
464. Culla-Kuṇāla-Jātaka: (Kuṇāla-jātaka.).
No. 465.: Bhadda-Sāla-Jātaka. = Type0088
465. Bhadda-Sāla-Jātaka: How a sacred tree was to be cut down for a pillar, and the spirit of the tree appeared to the king, and by his unselfishness turned the king's purpose.
No. 466.: Samudda-Vāṇija-Jātaka.
466. Samudda-Vāṇija-Jātaka: How a body of carpenters settled in a certain island, and the island deities determined to overwhelm them with a flood; how the wise were saved, but the foolish remained and were all lost.
No. 467.: Kāma-Jātaka.
467. Kāma-Jātaka: How a prince declined to be his father's viceroy, and proceeded to the frontier, which he won over by doing the people services, and then demanded the kingdom; and how Sakka gave him a lesson on his greed.
No. 468.: Janasandha-Jātaka.
468. Janasandha-Jātaka: Ten points of wisdom explained to a prince.
No. 469.: Mahā-Kaṇha-Jātaka.
469. Mahā-Kaṇha-Jātaka: How Sakka changed Mātali into a black hound, and sent him to frighten the world out of its evil ways.
No. 470.: Kosiya-Jātaka.
470. Kosiya-Jātaka: (Sudhābhojana-jātaka.)
No. 471.: Meṇḍaka-Jātaka.
471. Meṇḍaka-Jātaka: (Ummagga-jātaka.)
No. 472.: Mahā-Paduma-Jātaka.
472. Mahā-Paduma-Jātaka: How a queen tempted her step-son to sin, and on being refused pretended that he had tempted her, and how he was justified and the woman put to shame.
No. 473.: Mittāmitta-Jātaka.
473. Mittāmitta-Jātaka: The signs of a friend and of a foe.
No. 474.: Amba-Jātaka.
474. Amba-Jātaka: How a man learnt a charm for growing fruit out of due season, and how he forgot it because he was false to his teacher.
No. 475.: Phandana-Jātaka.
475. Phandana-Jātaka: Of a lion which plotted to get a tree cut down, and how he was outwitted by the deity of the tree.
No. 476.: Javana-Haṁsa-Jātaka.
476. Javana-Haṃsa-Jātaka: How a royal goose and a human king made fast friends; how the goose saved two foolish geese which flew a race with the sun, and of other his marvellous feats.
No. 477.: Culla-Nārada-Jātaka.
477. Culla-Nārada-Jātaka: How an ascetic was tempted in the flesh, and how his father guided him by good counsel.
No. 478.: Dūta-Jātaka.
478. Dūta-Jātaka: How a pupil got gold to pay his teacher withal by meditating upon a river bank.
No. 479.: Kāliṅga-Bodhi-Jātaka.
479. Kāliŋga-Bodhi-Jātaka: Of a prince who dwelt in a forest, and how he fell in love with a lady by seeing flowers which she dropt into a river; how the prince became universal monarch, and what befel him at the great bo-tree.
No. 480.: Akitta-Jātaka.
480. Akitta-Jātaka: How a king distributed all his treasure in alms, and with his sister retired to the forest; how he went further, and his sister sought him.
No. 481.: Takkāriya-Jātaka
481. Takkāriya-Jātaka: How a brahmin's wife was of lewd behaviour, and the husband would have killed her paramour, by sacrificing him in the foundation of a gate; how by talking too soon he nearly met this fate himself, but was admonished by a pupil who told him stories; of a young man who was ill entreated in a brothel, of a bird which came to grief by interfering in others' business, of four men who were killed in trying to save another, of a goat which found the knife that was to kill her, of two fairies who knew when to be silent. After these tales were told he saved the man's life.
No. 482.: Ruru-Jātaka.
482. Ruru-Jātaka: Of a rich spend-all who cast himself away in the Ganges; how a deer saved him, and he repaid the service by betraying the deer to capture, but his aim was frustrated, and safety proclaimed for all deer.
No. 483.: Sarabha-Miga-Jātaka.
483. Sarabha-Miga-Jātaka: How a king went hunting, and in chasing after a stag which passed him fell into a pit and by the very stag was rescued; and how a chaplain put two and two together and made twenty.
No. 484.: Sālikedāra-Jātaka. = Type0090
484. Sālikedāra-Jātaka: How a flock of parrots used to devour the rice crops, and how their king being caught in a snare, forbore to cry out until they had eaten, and what persuasion was used by which he got free again.
No. 485.: Canda-Kinnara-Jātaka.
485. Canda-Kinnara-Jātaka: Two fairies that dwelt on a beautiful hill, and how the husband was wounded and the wife made lament, until Sakka came to the rescue.
No. 486.: Mahā-Ukkusa-Jātaka. = Type0079
486. Mahā-Ukkusa-Jātaka: Of the value of friends, as shown in the story of a hawk whose nestlings were saved by the aid of an osprey, a lion, and a tortoise.
No. 487.: Uddālaka-Jātaka.
487. Uddālaka-Jātaka: How a wise sage instructed a king what it is makes the true brahmin.
No. 488.: Bhisa-Jātaka.
488. Bhisa-Jātaka: Of a number of ascetics, and how Sakka tested them.
No. 489.: Suruci-Jātaka.
489. Suruci-Jātaka: Two friends promise to wed their children together, if they should have one a daughter and the other a son; how the pair was childless, and the queen gave her lord sixteen thousand wives who had never a child among them; how Sakka rewarded the queen's virtue by granting a son to her; how Sakka built this prince a magical palace; how the prince could not laugh until a juggler did a merry trick before him.
No. 490.: Pañc-Ūposatha-Jātaka.
490. Pañc-Ūposatha-Jātaka: Of a pigeon, a snake, a jackal, and a bear, which took on them the vows for subduing of desires; and an ascetic being unable for his pride to induce the mystic trance, reviled a Pacceka Buddha, but then in remorse took the vow for subduing pride, and was much edified by the pigeon, the snake, the jackal, and the bear.
No. 491.: Mahā-Mora-Jātaka.
491. Mahā-Mora-Jātaka: Of a holy peacock, gold-coloured, which chanted a hymn morning and evening, and how he was taken prisoner by yielding to fleshly desire, and how he discoursed to a queen and was set free.
No. 492.: Taccha-Sūkara-Jātaka.
492. Taccha-Sūkara-Jātaka: Of a clever boar which worked for a number of carpenters, and how he outwitted a tiger.
No. 493.: Mahā-Vāṇija-Jātaka.
493. Mahā-Vāṇija-Jātaka: How some merchants found a magic tree, and what wonders came out of the branches: a lesson to eschew greed.
No. 494.: Sādhīna-Jātaka.
494. Sādhīna-Jātaka: Of the effect of merit, and how it brings men to high felicity, and how it is gained.
No. 495.: Dasa-Brāhmaṇa-Jātaka.
495. Dasa-Brāhmaṇa-Jātaka: The marks by which you may know a good brahmin, and who are not rightly so called; and of the flowers which were thrown into the air, and fell on the Pacceka Buddhas in Himalaya.
No. 496.: Bhikkhā-Parampara-Jātaka.
496. Bhikkhā-Parampara-Jātaka: Of precedence in gifts.
No. 497.: Mātaṅga-Jātaka.
497. Mātaŋga-Jātaka: How a high and mighty maiden turned up her nose at a Caṇḍāla, but he by persistence got her to wife; how their son gave alms in a wrong spirit, and by what means he was brought to his right mind; also of an ascetic who was well schooled by the Caṇḍalā man; and the Caṇḍāla's glorious death.
No. 498.: Citta-Sambhūta-Jātaka.
498. Citta-Sambhūta-Jātaka: Of two men who were fast friends through many births: as Caṇḍālas, who pretended to be brahmins, but were betrayed by their speech; as young deer on the mountains; as a couple of ospreys by the Nerbudda; as lads of high birth in Uttarapañcāla, when one recognized the other by a hymn he sung.
No. 499.: Sivi-Jātaka. = Type0092
499. Sivi-Jātaka: How a prince gave his own eyes as a gift, and his reward.
No. 500.: Sirimanda-Jātaka.
500. Sirimanda-Jātaka: (Mahā-ummagga-jātaka.).
No. 501.: Rohanta-Miga-Jātaka.
501. Rohanta-Miga-Jātaka: Of a golden deer, who being caught in a trap, would not cry out for fear of scaring his fellows; how his friends stood by him; how he preached before the queen; and how he was set free.
No. 502.: Haṁsa-Jātaka.
502. Haṃsa-Jātaka: Of a golden goose which discoursed of the law, how he was caught, how the hunter's heart was softened to set him free, how he went before the king and prevailed with him also.
No. 503.: Sattigumba-Jātaka.
503. Sattigumba-Jātaka: Evil communications corrupt good manners: a tale of two parrots of which one was good and one bad according to the company they kept.
No. 504.: Bhallāṭiya-Jātaka.
504. Bhallāṭiya-Jātaka: Of two fairies, who could not cease grieving for one night they had been parted from each other, and how they were at length consoled.
No. 505.: Somanassa-Jataka.
505. Somanassa-Jataka: How a sham ascetic traded upon knowledge which be gained by accident, and how he was found out by the king's son; of the device he used to calumniate the prince.
No. 506.: Campeyya-Jātaka.
506. Campeyya-Jātaka: Of a puissant serpent king, who left all his magnificence on the fast-days; how a serpent-charmer caught him, and made him dance for show.
No. 507.: Mahā-Palobhana-Jātaka.
507. Mahā-Palobhana-Jātaka: How prince Woman-hater was tempted to fall by a woman, and finally renounced the world.
No. 508.: Pañca-Paṇḍita Jātaka.
508. Pañca-Paṇḍita Jātaka: (Mahā-ummagga-jātaka.).
No. 509.: Hatthi-Pāla Jātaka.
509. Hatthi-Pāla Jātaka: How a king and his chaplain agreed that, if either of them had a son, he should be as a son to the other; how the chaplain had four sons, who grew up rough fellows and robbers, but finally in spite of all attempts to make each king in turn, they renounced the world.
No. 510.: Ayoghara-Jātāka.
510. Ayoghara-Jātāka: How a queen lost two sons devoured up by a goblin, and how the third was protected by being kept in an iron house, and why he renounced the world.
No. 511.: Kiṁchanda-Jātaka.
511. Kiṁchanda-Jātaka: A priest who took bribes and gave false judgments is reborn to a state of suffering all day, but because he had kept half a fast-day, he enjoys great glory throughout the night. His king, who had become an ascetic, is transported by a river-nymph to the mango grove where the priest was reborn and hears the story of his alternate misery and bliss.
No. 512.: Kumbha-Jātaka.
512. Kumbha-Jātaka: How a forester accidentally discovered strong drink and how this led to the ruin of all India, until Sakka appeared on earth and by his exposition of the evils of drink induced a certain king to abstain from its use.
No. 513.: Jayaddisa-Jātaka.
513. Jayaddisa-Jātaka: A female yakkha carries off a royal infant and rears him as her own offspring, teaching him to eat human flesh. In course of time the man-eater captures his royal brother, but sets him free on the condition that he should return as soon as he had redeemed his promise to a brahmin. The king's son surrenders himself as a victim in his father's stead, and the man-eater, who is now recognised as the king's brother, is converted and becomes an ascetic.
No. 514.: Chaddanta-Jataka.
514. Chaddanta-Jātaka: A royal elephant had two wives. One of them, owing to an imaginary slight, conceives a grudge against her lord, and afterwards, when she is reborn as the favourite wife of a certain king, she pretends to be sick, and to have seen in a dream an elephant with six tusks; and in order to recover from her sickness, she declares the possession of its tusks must be secured for her. A bold hunter, after crossing vast mountain ranges and encountering many difficulties and dangers, at length finds and slays the elephant, but the queen on receiving the tusks and hearing of the elephant's death is filled with remorse and dies of a broken heart.
No. 515.: Sambhava-Jātaka.
515. Sambhava-Jātaka: A king, anxious for a definition of goodness and truth, sends his brahmin chaplain to consult all the sages of India, and finally obtains the solution of his doubts from a boy only seven years old.
No. 516.: Mahākapi-Jātaka.
516. Mahākapi-Jātaka: A husbandman, in looking for his strayed oxen, loses himself in a forest, and falling into a deep pit is rescued by a monkey. The man makes an attempt upon the life of his benefactor, and for his ingratitude is smitten with leprosy.
No. 517.: Dakarakkhasa-Jātaka.
517. Dakarakkhasa-Jātaka: Jataka 518
No. 518.: Paṇḍara-Jātaka.
518. Paṇḍara-Jātaka: An ascetic worms out from a snake-king the secret wherein his strength lies and betrays him to his enemy, the garuḍa-king. The garuḍa by means of this secret vanquishes the snake, but through pity sets him free. The snake invokes a curse on the ascetic, who is swallowed up by the earth to be reborn in hell.
No. 519.: Sambula-Jātaka.
519. Sambula-Jātaka: A prince is struck with leprosy and retires into a lonely forest, accompanied by his devoted wife, who carefully watches over him. She is rescued by Sakka from an ogre, and though she is suspected by her husband, yet by her virtue and faith she recovers him of his leprosy. He returns to rule over his kingdom but shows no gratitude to his wife, until at the reproof of his father he asks her forgiveness and restores her to her rightful position.
No. 520.: Gaṇḍatindu-Jātaka.
520. Gaṇḍatindu-Jātaka: An unrighteous king is reproved by a tree-sprite, and, as he travels with his chaplain on a tour of inspection through his dominions, many instances of the evil effects of his unjust rule are brought to his notice. Thenceforth the king rules his kingdom righteously.
No. 521.: Tesakuṇa-Jātaka.
521. Tesakuṇa-Jātaka: A king finds a nest containing three eggs. When the young birds are hatched from them the king adopts them as his children. They all give him sound advice in the ruling of his kingdom and are promoted to high office in the state.
No. 522.: Sarabhaṅga-Jātaka.
522. Sarabhaŋga-Jātaka: An archer displays wonderful feats of skill in shooting. He declines the honours offered him by his king and retires to a forest hermitage. Here he gathers around him a great company of disciples, solves the doubts of three kings as to the fate of certain notorious sinners, and converts them and a host of their followers to the ascetic life.
No. 523.: Alambusā-Jātaka.
523. Alambusa-Jātaka: An ascetic by his great holiness excites the jealousy of Sakka, who sends down a heavenly nymph to seduce him. After a temporary lapse, the saint recovers his virtue and attains to a state of ecstasy.
No. 524.: Saṁkhapāla-Jātaka.
524. Saɱkhapāla-Jātaka: After a life of holiness a certain king is reborn in the Nāga world. Growing weary of his state of glory he returns as a snake to earth, and would have perished at the hands of a band of ruffians, had he not been rescued by a rich householder travelling that way with a large retinue. The Nāga king invites his benefactor to his heavenly mansion and keeps him there in great honour for a whole year, when he too wishes to leave the Nāga world, to become an ascetic upon earth. By a recital of all that had happened to him and the Nāga king, he converts the ruler of the land to a life of charity and good works.
No. 525.: Culla-Sutasoma-Jātaka.
525. Culla-Sutasoma-Jātaka: A king is so affected by the discovery of a grey hair on his head that he resigns his crown and resolves to become an ascetic. In spite of the entreaties of his parents, wife, children, and friends, he persists in his resolution and together with his family and a great number of his subjects enters on the religious life.
No. 526.: Naḷinikā-Jātaka.
526. Naḷinikā-Jātaka: Sakka, jealous of a holy ascetic, appears to the king of the country and declares that the drought from which the land was suffering was due to the action of this ascetic, and that the only way to remedy this evil was to overcome his virtue. To this end the king's daughter visits him, disguised as an ascetic youth, and owing to his simplicity his fall is brought about. When his father returns, he cautions his son against the wiles of womankind and brings about his restoration to his former state of holiness.
No. 527.: Ummadantī-Jātaka.
527. Ummadantī-Jātaka: A king is bewitched by the wife of his commander-in-chief. This officer by a ruse makes the king believe that his guilty secret is generally known, and by his wise counsel persuades him to give up his infatuation.
No. 528.: Mahābodhi-Jātaka.
528. Mahābodhi-Jātaka: An ascetic finds favour with a king and is preferred to high honour, thereby exciting the envy of the king's councillors, who slander him to the king and lay a plot to kill him. He is saved by a warning from a dog. Afterwards the ascetic convicts the four wicked councillors of various heresies and brings about their disgrace and exile.
No. 529.: Sonaka-Jātaka.
529. Sonaka-Jātaka: A king after many years is anxious to see again a friend of his early youth who had become a paccekabuddha, and in the form of a song he offers a reward to anyone that can tell him where he is to be found. His friend teaches a little boy a refrain to the song which he is to sing before the king and to claim the promised reward. So the king finds his friend, and owing to his instruction he abdicates in favour of his son and adopts the religious life.
No. 530.: Saṁkicca-Jātaka.
530. Saɱkicca-Jātaka: A prince who was eager to succeed to the throne proposes to murder his father. His friend, unable to dissuade him from his purpose, retires from the court and becomes an ascetic. The prince after the murder of his father is filled with guilty fears. His friend at length returns and, after describing all the various hells and the punishments of notorious sinners, by his admonition restores the king's peace of mind.
No. 531.: Kusa-Jātaka.
531. Kusa-Jātaka: A certain king has no heir, but at length, by the favour of Sakka, his chief queen miraculously gives birth to two sons. The elder is ill-favoured but supernaturally wise. He only consents to marry when a princess is found exactly like a golden image which he himself had fashioned. The bride is not to look upon her husband's face by daylight till she has conceived. When she accidentally discovers how ugly he is, she leaves him and returns to her father's kingdom. He follows her there and under a variety of menial disguises tries, but in vain, to win her affections. At length by Sakka's device she incurs the enmity of seven kings and is rescued from imminent death by her despised husband. He returns with her to his own country where they live happily ever after.
No. 532.: Sona-Nanda-Jātaka.
532. Sona-Nanda-Jātaka: Two brahmin brothers become ascetics and watch over their aged parents. The younger one persists in supplying them with unripe fruits, and at length is sent away by the elder brother. The younger one by the help of a powerful king, whom he had made victorious over all his rivals, regains his brother's favour and is allowed once more to minister to his father and mother.
No. 533.: Cullahaṁsa-Jātaka.
533. Culla-Haɱsa-Jātaka: A king of wild geese is caught in a fowler's snare and deserted by all except his chief captain, who refuses to leave him. The fowler is so touched by this devotion that he would have released the captive bird, but they insist on being taken before the king of the country, and after preaching the Law to him the two birds are set at liberty and return home to their kith and kin.
No. 534.: Mahāhaṁsa-Jātaka.
534. Mahā-Haɱsa-Jātaka: A queen has a dream about golden geese and entreats the king to bring her one. The king has a decoy lake constructed and his fowler at length captures the king of the geese. The rest of the story is like the Cullahaṃsa-Jātaka.
No. 535.: Sudhābhojana-Jātaka.
535. Sudhābhojana-Jātaka: A rich miser is seized with a great longing to have some rice porridge, and to escape having to give some to any one else he retires into a forest to cook it for himself. Sakka and other gods appear and claim a share of the porridge. The miser is converted by their admonitions, gives away all his money, and becomes an ascetic. He is afterwards called upon to award the prize of virtue to the best of four heavenly nymphs, the daughters of Sakka. He adjudges the prize to Honour, and on his rebirth in the deva world he is rewarded with the hand of this nymph and enjoys immense power.
No. 536.: Kuṇāla-Jātaka.
536. Kuṇāla-Jātaka: A king of birds for the instruction of his friend, a royal cuckoo, relates many instances he had known, to illustrate the deceitfulness, ingratitude, and immorality of womenkind.
No. 537.: Mahā-Sutasoma-Jātaka.
537. Mahā-Sutasoma-Jātaka: A king, who had been a yakkha in a former birth, develops a taste for human flesh and has his subjects murdered to supply himself with his favourite food. When his guilt is brought home to him, he refuses to give up his cannibalism and is driven out of his kingdom. He now dwells in a forest and preys upon all travellers that pass that way. At length he captures a king who had been his friend and teacher in early youth, but releases him on the condition that he should return after he has fulfilled a promise that he has made to a brahmin. The king returns into captivity, and the man-eater is so pleased with his good faith that he offers to grant him any four boons that he may ask of him. When asked to give up cannibalism he reluctantly consents and is eventually restored to his kingdom.
No. 538.: Mūga-Pakkha Jātaka.
538. Mūga-Pakkha-Jātaka: A prince pretends to be dumb and incapable. Various means are taken to try to break through his reserve, but fail for sixteen years. At last, as he is about to be buried, he opens his mouth and discourses on religion to the charioteer. He then becomes an ascetic, and is followed by his father.
No. 539.: Mahājanaka-Jātaka.
539. MahāJanaka-Jātaka: A prince suspected by his brother, without reason, rebels against him and kills him. The king's consort, being with child, flees from the city; her son is brought up without knowledge of his father, but when he learns the truth, goes to sea on a merchant venture. He is wrecked, and a goddess brings him to his father's kingdom, where after answering some difficult questions, he marries the daughter of the usurper. By and by, he becomes an ascetic, and is followed by his wife.
No. 540.: Sāma-Jātaka.
540. Sāma-Jātaka: A hunter's son marries a hunter's daughter, and both become ascetics. The wife becomes pregnant without human intercourse, and bears a son. The parents are both blinded by a snake, and the son attends upon them. A king, coming out to hunt, sees the lad and shoots him with an arrow; but on learning his dutiful affection he repents, and attends upon the parents himself. The boy is miraculously cured and the parents recover their sight.
No. 541.: Nimi-Jātaka.
541. Nimi-Jātaka: A king, on the appearance of his first grey hair, becomes an ascetic. Sakka explains to him that holy life is better than giving alms. Sakka's charioteer takes him all round the heavens and the hells, and finally brings him to Sakka.
No. 542.: The Khaṇḍahāla-Jātaka.
542. Khaṇḍahāla-Jātaka: A king misled by a false judge decrees that all his family shall be put to death in order that he may go to heaven. After various fluctuations Sakka comes to the rescue and saves them.
No. 543.: Bhūridatta-Jātaka = Type0006 (turtle story only)
543. Bhūridatta-Jātaka: An ascetic is seduced by a Nāga-woman. Afterwards he becomes a king. Scenes in the Nāga country are described. He has four sons, one of whom becomes an ascetic. The feud between the Nāgas and the Garuḷas. A magic spell, and the adventures of the prince in snake form.
No. 544: Mahānāradakassapa-Jātaka.
544. MahāNāradakassapa-Jātaka: A king questions an ascetic as to the various moral duties. He is himself devoted to pleasure, but his daughter is virtuous and tries to deliver him from heretical beliefs, which is finally effected by the help of the Buddha.
No. 545.: Vidhurapaṇḍita-Jātaka.
545. Vidhurapaṇḍita-Jātaka: Four kings, including Sakka, dispute as to which is the most virtuous and they ask a solution from a wise man who decides that they are all equal. The wife of the Nāga king is so enchanted at what she hears that she desires the wise man's heart. The king promises his daughter's hand to a Yakkha if he will bring the heart. The Yakkha visits the court where the wise man is, defeats the king at dice, and claims the wise man. The wise man asks for three days' delay to exhort his family. The Yakkha tries to kill him, but fails. The wise man asks him what he wants, and he tells him. The wise man then wins over the Yakkha and goes to the Nāga king where no harm comes to him.
No. 546.: The Mahā-Ummagga-Jātaka.
546. Mahā-Ummagga-Jātaka: A story of four pretended wise men and one real wise man, of numerous problems which the four failed to solve and the one succeeded, of many attempts of the four to destroy the one and of his final triumph, including wars, battles, sieges, and the description of a wonderful tunnel full of machinery.
No. 547.: Vessantara-Jātaka.
547. Vessantara-Jātaka: A prince devoted to giving gifts falls into disrepute through giving a magical elephant. He is banished with his family into the forest where he gives away everything he has left, including his two children. Ultimately the children are set free and all ends well.